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*peggy pov* (oooo)

It was my last day here at France with Alex and John. They wanted to take me out to some places before I had to leave.

"Peggy! We don't have all day!" I love to get John pissed off because it was the funniest thing ever. "Hold up I'm getting my phone now!" I really wasn't I was talking to maria, she said she wanted to meet up with me once I get back.

"Peggy you know I could here you right?" DANG IT
"You did?!" i dont even know.
"So who is the lucky lady?" John knew I was gay, its no surprise.
"Maria Lewis..." he screamed with happiness, he knew I had a huge crush on maria since like 9th grade. "You know we are only friends, she doesn't even like me like that." heartbroken. "Dude she really does like you, it's obvious, and she told me like three months ago." I turned bright red when he said that.

"Come on no time to talk about your love life, Alex is waiting for us in the car." I checked my phone to see if she ever texted me back, SHE RESPONDED!! YAY! She said we were gonna meet up at the park after I get unpacked.

While we were riding in the car I was just talking to laf about Maria, I mean you have to admit she's gorgeous! But she is also the sweetest thing ever.
I was completely zoning out everything before John took a sharp turn. "HELLO!! EARTH TO PEGGY!! WE ARE HERE!!" Wow I zoned everything out for a good 30 minutes. They took me out for breakfast. I didn't order much, I just order pancakes with fruits and ice cold water.

After breakfast we went back to the hotel to go take showers and change into clean clothes, we went shopping for a bit and then we went out for lunch I just got a salad and a cookie for a snack. After my long day I went back to my hotel room and John helped me pack my stuff while alex got me an ice cream cone from down the street.

They drove me to the airport so i can head home, we said our goodbyes I may have tear up a little because I never been so far from my best friends. But I boarded my flight and just fell asleep during the rest of it.

*john pov*

We dropped peggy off at the airport, it was something hard to do because she was gonna be across the world from me and she is also my best friend if you didn't know.

"Hey, we only have like three days."

"I know but it's different when your best friend is across the world from you."

"It's different, I know but you will be fine!"

I knew I was gonna be fine because I have alex by my side, I smiled about that... it made me happy inside.

(im debating with myself if I should do smut of fluff)

(update i chose fluff, ashlyn if you are seeing this im not sorry😌)

We stopped by a supermarket (I never been to France so I'm just saying stuff, if you have been there please give me places there that are like fun and stuff like that)

I grabbed cookies, gummy worms, and a soda. Alex got chips, skittles, and coffee. We payed for our things and went back to the hotel. We stopped by my parents hotel room, we chatted for a bit.

"So how is school going?"

"It's alright, how's work dad?"

"Boring, as usual."


"Hate them there." we all let out a soft chuckle.

"Alex? Right?"

"Yes sir."

"How is school for you, have any classes with my son?"

"School is doing fine for me, and yes we do have some classes together."

I told my parents we would come back later, but Alex and I were gonna watch a movie and fall asleep.

We chose to watch Heathers. I kept throwing my gummy worms at my laptop every time JD came on because he does not deserve Veronica at all.

I took a shower and pulled out some clean clothes. Alex did the same once I got on the bed, I felt a dip in the hotel bed. I turned around to see Alex. He fell asleep in my arms I kissed his head goodnight and went to sleep.

hey losers jk hey idk anymore tbh
Word count: 752

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