Unus Annus

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Mark x Ethan x Reader

I've been quite close to Mark and Ethan for quite some time now. We met seven months ago while I was working part time at a sushi restaurant, they went there often a few times a week and I struck a conversation pretty much every time with them and we all just kinda decided one time we'd hang out. This was just before they had started their new channel called Unus Annus. They told me their plans and ideas for the channel and then they suggested that I could hang out while they filmed/ help them too. I agreed to help them.

Ever since they created their first video, I had felt a strong sexual attraction towards them. I wasn't sure if either of them felt the same way but I didn't want to ruin our friendship since it could make things awkward. Although, what's more, awkward than helping them buy a bunch of sex toys and watching them make breakfast with them for their first video?

Hey, y/n! Could you help us film today?

Mark texted me at 5 pm after I had finished my shift.

Sure thing, just let me shower and I'll be over in about 20 minutes.

Sweet. Just saying though, today might be a weird one ;)

Okay, weirdo lol.

As I took my shower I thought to myself. What could be weirder than cooking with sex toys or waxing each other's pubic hair or turning Ethan into a mummy? I quickly finished up and got into my car to drive over, I didn't want to make them wait too long. I pulled up onto their driveway and knocked on their door. The door opens and I'm greeted with Ethan in a maroon silky robe. He looked sexy as hell but it did take me by surprise to see him dressed like that.

Hey! Y/n how you doing?

Woah, Ethan what kind of video are y'all making today?

I chuckled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

Mark and I came up with the idea to do a nude painting of each other, he didn't tell you?

Nope, but he did say it would be weird hahaha.

I said as walked past him to enter the house. I entered the living room and noticed the room was dimly lit with canvases and paint ready to be used.

Where's Mark?

He's gone upstairs.

He said while setting up the tripod for the camera.

Oh cool cool haha.

Right as I said that. Mark turned around the corner.  He was dressed in a black robe which made him look so good. I cleared my throat before speaking, out of nervousness.

Hi Mark...

oh good, you're here! We can start. So do you know what we are doing?

Um yeah hahaha, you guys aren't actually naked, right? Like you have nude coloured underwear and stuff?

Oh no, we are actually going to be naked, is that alright with you?

Y-yeah sure.

Great, let's do this. So I need you, y/n to take this camera and record us in this spot.

He points to a chair placed in the middle of the room, facing the two canvases.

And then we are going to both walk into frame and take off our robes. It'll be funny. So, hit record when you are ready.

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