The Apocalypse

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Mark x reader
Authors note:
This is a longer one than usual with heaps of storytelling involved! I had a lot of fun writing this one so I hope you guys enjoy :D Let me know what y'all think!
I faintly remember what life was like before all this happened. Every day is a struggle. I'm constantly watching my back and I feel as if we are never going to survive this. It's not a matter if we die but when and at this point I'm so used to putting on a brave face that I'm no longer scared of dying. I believe it is roughly 8 years ago, I was only 16 when the first zombie had been cultivated. I was petrified and alone. It's surprising I've lasted this long.

Luckily, I'm not alone. I have my allies, the only people I trust. There's Alex, she is a bit older than me and is the newest member of our group. I secretly envied her. Ever since we met she's always been super independent and fearless. We stumbled across her in a shack and she was found unconscious on the wooden panels, on the edge of death. After bandaging up her wounds and slowly bringing her back to existence, we offered to let her become part of our team and she accepted. On our team we also have Lucus. He's kind of an idiot but he's been my friend for a long time, I don't want to cut him off. Followed by Lucas's brother Rhett, he's really smart which made him the leader of the group but he's not Alex's fan because she always believes to go into situations the aggressive way, where Rhett is passive. She always says to him 'Laying low is for pussies'. Personally, I just think she has feelings for him. I've learnt Alex tends to insult people she likes. The fourth and final member of the team is Mark. He was the only person there for me for a very long time. I met him a few months after the outbreak and even though he's only a year older than me, he's constantly looked after me. He's saved me from being undead countless time, I owe him everything.

I think I love Mark but I haven't told him about my feelings towards him yet. I realised that I could die any day but I still can't work up the courage. Anyways, I couldn't tell him. What if he didn't feel the same way? And then it would be so awkward. No, I won't tell him and that's that.
"Y/N, Are you okay?" I was snapped back to reality by Mark who had noticed I was spaced out, deep into my thoughts.
"Yeah, I'm good, thanks. Sorry, I was just thinking.",
"What about?", Mark questioned.
I'm just thinking about you, Mark...
"Nothing. Our food stock is low though, we should wake up the others and get moving to find something.", I quickly shut down the conversation.
"Oh, uh okay, sure. Let's do that.".

I slowly stood up from the ground and noticed my body was aching. We slept outside that night but winter is around the corner and we had to find shelter immediately. I let out a soft groan as I managed to straighten up.

"Ugh, is it time already?", Lucus whined.
"Yeah, we really should be taking off Lucus. You know how bad winter gets and if we are still out here-".
"Yeah, yeah fine I get it" Lucus interrupted Mark. Lucus's whining woke up Alex and Rhett, makes my life a little easier. We prepared for the expedition and headed off just before dawn. The sky painted a stunning maroon colour as the sun rose. At least we had that to preoccupy us from this gloomy world. The walk was silent. Apart from Alex and the two brothers conversing before Mark and I. Him and I silently followed, wandering hill after hill. Things were a bit uneasy after I quickly shut him down this morning, I didn't make it subtle that something was bothering me and I can tell he knows that I've been keeping stuff from him. Lately, it's just been hard to keep my emotions from him, I've always been relatively good at that until now and I'm uncertain why. 
"Hey, (Your nickname or name). Can we talk?", Mark uttered, breaking the extended silence. Before I could respond Alex shouted excitedly.
"Guys! There's a junkyard down there with a few structures we can use for shelter, finally!".
"Quiet down, Alex! There could be people waiting there.", Rhett exclaimed.
"Eh who cares, it's been ages since we could get a proper place to stay, we will force them out anyways.". I promptly caught up to the others to catch a glimpse of this junkyard. When I got to the peak of the mountain, I observed what could very well be our new sanctuary. I saw high barricades of old wrecked cars and a few buildings amongst the rubble.

Markiplier smutsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang