Movie theatre

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Markiplier x reader

"Hey Y/n, ready to go?" Mark asked me after I opened my front door to my house.  I smiled brightly looking into his gorgeous soft brown eyes. His dark brown hair looked soft and nicely styled.

"Yep! I'm surprised you asked me to watch Titanic with you. You finally get to lose your Titanic virginity!" he chuckled along with me. I stepped out the door and locked it behind me. I followed him to his car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Thank you for coming all this way for me. I know it's a long drive and for that ill buy us the movie theatre snacks. Anything you want." I told Mark who was backing out of the driveway.

"Anything hm? Well, that's ambitious." Mark said in a teasing voice. 

"Well don't go crazy and buy the whole theatre!" I giggled.

"I just might".

On our 10 minute drive to the mall, we talked the whole time about random things. I was feeling really excited about watching the movie with him, especially since I haven't been to a movie theatre in ages and I really enjoy his company even if we aren't talking.

"Yay we are here! Are you excited?" I asked Mark in a childish manner looking at him with a big grin.

He gave me a slight smile and nod before hopping out of the car. We made it to the theatre and I bought our tickets as well as some snacks. As we got to our seats, I noticed the room was spacious but rather empty. There were a couple of people in the very back, which was odd since people love movies. Lucky timing I suppose.

After 10 minutes of advertisements showing on the screen, I had already eaten half of the popcorn without realising it. I softly elbowed Mark in the arm getting his attention.

"Here the rest is yours."

"Oh thanks!" Mark whispered back taking the popcorn from my hands.

~40 minutes into the movie~

My mind started to wonder. I couldn't focus on the movie. All I could think about was him. I wanted to make a move or rest my head on his shoulders. Knowing I'm too shy I kept to myself.

~10 minutes later~

My attention was brought back to Mark softly brushing his hand against my knee. I glanced to look at his eyes but they remained glued to the screen. I focused on his hand and moved my knee pushing slightly against his hand. To my surprise, that caused him to grip my knee instead; rather tightly too. Again, he wasn't looking at me but instead he had the slightest smile on his face.

He loosened his grasp and slowly moved his hand up my thigh. I drew in a sharp but quiet breath as he went further up inch by inch. His soft touch gave me shivers throughout my body.

"Mark..." I whispered as quietly as possible. "What are you doing?".

"Do you want me to stop?" He whispered in my ear looking at my now flustered and embarrassed face.

Being unable to speak from the excitement I was feeling, I shook my head. On that note he moved his hand into my leggings and slid his fingers down to my clit. His fingers moved in a circular motion around my most sensitive part. I practically slapped my mouth shut preventing the noises I would definitely be making.

He just kept his attention to the movie, trying not to alert anyone. I noticed he was slightly nibbling on his bottom lip probably because he was getting turned on too. He moved his hand down a little further and slipped his middle and ring finger inside of me, causing me to gasp a little too loud. I quicky grabbed and sunk my nails into his arm from pure pleasure.

Mark leaned into my ear again saying "Be gentle or you will regret it.". His deep soothing voice and fingers being shoved inside me only resulted in me holding his arm tighter...

"Fine. If that's what you want, " he told me sternly with a small smirk on his face. "Lets go to my place.".

"What? Right now?".

"Yep. Now." he told me standing up from his seat.

I stood up following him out of the cinema and back to the car.

"Far out Y/n... You drive me crazy." he said with lust and desire in his voice. The way he said that made my knees weak, I loved hearing that.

"Sorry, daddy..." I giggled knowing I was mostly joking when I said that but he didn't laugh, instead he seemed into it.

"Save your apologies for when you're being fucked into next week."

I took a deep breath before saying "Wow o-okay.".

The drive to his place felt like an eternity. Most of the way I was trying my best to relieve the tension by squeezing my legs together tightly. 

When we got inside his place he pinned me against the nearest wall and roughly kissed me. His glided his hand up my waist while placing soft kisses on my neck.

To my surprise, he effortlessly picked me up, took me to his room and threw me on his bed. He climbed on top of me and swiftly pulled my tank top over my head. I was panicked and excited at the same time. Everything was happening so fast but I was anxious about how I looked. Although, judging by his hungry eyes he seemed pleased.

He took his red hoodie off allowing me to see his nicely defined muscles. Looking at him literally and figuratively took my breath away. We continued to undress and next minute we were both completely naked. For me it was becoming harder and harder to resist.

"Mark...please." I said breathlessly. He looked into my eyes and smiled, obviously appreciative of my helpless and flustered look.

He leaned down to attack my neck with his kisses, occasionally nibbling on it. I began to softly moan in his ear. The teasing got too much so I moved my hand down to my pussy and played with myself instead. Mark noticed and swatted my hand away.

"Did I say that you could touch yourself?". He sounded a little angry but it turned me on even more so I decided to snap back.

"Did I say that you could tease me?" I said with a devilish smile knowing that I was messing with him.

With that statement, he forcefully grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head with one hand. With his other hand he guided his dick into my entrance slowly moving in making sure that I got used to his size.

Once he had fully got in, he slowly moved in and out of me. It felt amazing. I had my eyes squeezed shut from the immense amount of pleasure. He began to pick up his pace and at that point, I was moaning awfully loud. This feeling was nothing close to what I imagined.

My boobs were bouncing quite a lot and I wanted my hands to hold them still but I remained unable to. I felt too good to really care.

As my climax neared I became even louder along with his grunts and moans. Each noise he made brought me even closer to the edge.

"You like that?" Mark said in a seductive voice.

It was at that moment I was at my threshold. "FUCK YES!" I practically screamed as I came. I think I threw him off guard because a second later he came inside me as well. He sounded so good as he reached his climax, I didn't want this moment to end.

Mark and I were panting trying to catch our breath for the next following minute.

"Wow thanks for making me leave the movie." I giggled.

"It's no problem, I was getting bored anyway."

"Oh well next time we go out to the movies we'll go back to Titanic if it's out." I winked at him.

"Sounds like a plan.".

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