Caught you ;)

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Markiplier x reader

Mark is a very good friend of mine. One day we were hanging out and getting coffee. Then somehow we ended up agreeing on becoming roommates. As a 23 year old, I wanted to move out of my mom's house and he preferred not living alone all the time. It was perfect.

So far it's been roughly two months since I moved in and it's been a breeze living together. Although, I must admit that he was pretty noisy whenever he was recording for YouTube. Then again, he was quite fun to play with too when he wasn't recording. So I just ignored the screaming from the computer room eventually. Oh, and one of the best things about living with him was that it was closer to my work. It used to take me ages to drive there. Well, about 30 minutes but still.

"Hey, Mark. Whatchya doing?" I say skipping down the stairs into the kitchen. I see him sitting on a high stool leaning against the black marbled counter.
"Just thinking. I'm deciding whether I should go to the gym or have a rest day," he said lightly rubbing his short bearded chin.
"Eh. Well, good luck deciding then. I'm gonna make scrambled eggs if you want some?" I asked while proceeding to get the eggs from the fridge.
"Nah, thanks though Y/n. I think I'd better go to the gym. Not good to have food if I'm doing cardio soon anyways.".
"Alright, no problem!" I replied joyfully. Just as I had finished making my scrambled eggs, Mark came back to the kitchen after changing into gym attire, grabbing a face towel and a 1-litre water bottle. He was putting on his sneakers getting ready to walk out the door.
"Bye Mark!".
"Cya Y/n, I'll see you after work?".
"Yeah, ill be back around 6 o'clock". I responded. Mark waved to me as he walked out the door, locking it behind him with a click.
"Mmmm~" I inhaled deeply, taking in the amazing smell of my eggs. I put onions in it which was my favourite and they always make food smell sooo good.

My day continued like normal. I took a shower, got ready for work and left the house at 8 am like usual. It was until I got to leave work early today! So instead of leaving at 6 pm, I left two hours earlier. I was excited to be home, just because today felt like a long day. I entered my house and slowly made my way up the stairs, dragging myself up. It was when I got near Mark's room I heard an interesting noise. Me having a dirty mind and watching enough adult videos, I understood those noises all too well. Luckily for me, his door was open a crack. My curiosity pushed me to peek through and found just what I expected. It was Mark on his bed, stroking his dick. I wasn't going to lie but the sight was quite sexy. His eyes were closed, head back resting on his pillow and he was jacking off slowly, groaning softly. Each moan made my head feel lighter. I couldn't help but notice he was pretty big too... Must've been at least 8 inches by looking at it. Damn... I knew this was wrong to keep watching like this but I really couldn't help myself at this point. I caught him whispering something, I focused on his voice to try and hear what he was saying.
"You're such a good girl Y/n... Taking daddy's cock like that.". Once I heard that I had to prevent myself from gasping out loud. I refused to watch any further but I had to make sure I made absolutely no noise. I successfully snuck into my room and shut the door without a sound. Holy fuck. I cannot believe I heard that. My pussy was pulsating it was like a heartbeat. I also felt what could be described as electric shocks sparking throughout my body. I moaned quietly to myself replaying his voice in my head. I knew how wet I must have been at that moment. Still trying to be quiet, I silently began to strip down my leggings and crawled onto my bed. I needed to relieve myself after hearing something like that. As I started touching myself, I imagined it was his large, muscular, veiny hands touching me instead. The problem was I never actually thought of him in that way before and now all I'm gonna think about is him fucking me into a wall every time I see him. I just know I will. I want him so bad. I need his touch and I have a perfect idea on how I could get him to.

A couple of days since then, I started wearing cute and tight clothing. Things such as mini-skirts/shorts and tank tops which outlined my boobs perfectly. Today, I found Mark about to go into the shower and as I came and stopped to talk to him he was subtlety eyeing me up but he wasn't fooling me.
"Hey, Mark!" I happily greeted him.
"Hey what's up?" Mark said clearing his throat and trying his best to not look at my breasts.
"I wanna cook for us tonight, so want to have dinner at 7?".
"Yeah, sounds great Y/n!" he replied with excitement.
"Okay, sweet.". I passed him to walk down the stairs. My plan so far is going well.

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