Chapter 6

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I pull into the parking lot of the school, finally parking next to Rosalie's car. I lean my forehead against the steering wheel, sighing. I told Jasper last night that Bella knows. He immediately ran home and told his family. They're upset but they know I tried to stop her. I jump when I hear my car door open. I look over to see Jasper smiling slightly at me.

"Hey, Jazz." I smile and grab my bag.

"You're...sad?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I just...Don't want your family to hate me." I look down at my bag in my lap.

He reaches over and cups my cheek, moving my face to look at him.

"They do not hate you." He whispers. "They know you tried to stop her."

"But I could have tried harder than not letting her get a book." I mumble, knowing he can hear me.

"Alice saw her. She was gonna find out anyway. No matter what you did." He kisses my forehead.

I sigh and step out of my car. I glance over to where Bella parks her truck and looks over at me. She tilts her head toward the trees before looking at Edward. I look up at Jasper as he watches her.

"She wants me to be there when she tells him she knows." I whisper.

"Be careful." He sighs.

"She doesn't know I know." I swallow the small amount of spit in my mouth.

"Perfect time to tell her." He kisses my head.

He takes my hand and walks me over to Edward.

"Take care of her." He growls slightly.

"I will. Why aren't you going?" Edward asks, glancing at him.

"Bella just wants you and Ally to be there. She thinks I've been keeping it a secret." Jasper rolls his eyes slightly.

"Let's go, Ally." Edward gently takes my elbow.

I glance at Jasper who nods and walks over to Alice and Kevin. I sigh and walk with Edward toward the forest where Bella was already entering. We walk for a while, staying behind Bella. Bella stands in a small clearing with her back toward us. The whole forest is completely silent. Not even a small bird is hard. Edward glances at me before stepping toward her.

"You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale-white and ice cold. Your eyes change color." She calls out slightly. "And sometimes you speak're from a different time."

He speeds toward her and stands behind her.

"You never eat food, or drink. You never come out in the sunlight." She continues. "How old are you?"

"Seventeen." He says.

"How long have you been seventeen?" She whispers.

"A while." He mumbles.

I swallow my spit again and watch them. Just say it, Bella. Let him know.

"I know what you are." She mumbles.

"Say it. Out loud." He says, sternly, waiting for her. "Say it."

She lets out a couple breaths whispering.


I bite my lip and look down at the ground. She said it.

"Are you afraid?" He asks, staring down at her.

She takes another breath and finally turns around.


"Then ask me the most basic question. What do we eat?" He watches her.

You're My Monster - Jasper Hale - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now