Chapter 4 ~

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Chapter 4
Your POV
Once Soda and I got to the park I went straight for the swings, I sat down and Soda went behind me "Can I push you" he asked "Yes you can" I said and he started to push me. "So why did you want to go to the park if you don't mind me asking" he asked "Well most of the times my brother Aaron would bring a girl home and I don't like being there when he does that so I would usually go to my friend Elle's house or just hang out with her but she is with the guy she met at the party and we were already hanging out so I thought we could just come here" I said. He stopped pushing me and went around to look me in the eyes "Are you planning on staying at the park the whole night or are you eventually gonna go home" he said "Well i'm just gonna stay here cause the girls usually leave until tomorrow morning and Elle is probably gonna spend the night with the dude" I said "You shouldn't be staying out here by yourself" he said "I'm not alone your here" I said. He smiled and sat down on the swing right by me "You can sleepover at my house I'm sure Darry wouldn't mind" he said. I shook my head and laughed quietly "No I can't" I said "Why not" he said, I looked at him and he looked at me "Did you forget our gangs hate each other" I said "I know they do but Darry would let you I know he will cause he has a good heart" he said. I looked down "I'm not sure Soda" I said, Soda got up and went in front of me and went down on one knee then placed his hand under my chin so I would look at him "Trust me" he said "Fine" I said. He stood up and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder "Soda what are you doing" I said confused "Well your not gonna walk to my house with bare feet" he said starting to walk "But you could have just given me a piggyback ride instead and I don't want anything showing" I said "Don't worry y/n my flannel is still covering you and this is more fun than a piggyback ride" he said laughing.

Soda's POV
We got to my house and I placed her down "Let me go in and talk to them first" I said and she nodded her head. I went in and the whole gang was there "Hey Soda we couldn't find you at the party so we were guessing you left with a girl" Steve said smirking "Well I did leave with a girl bu-" I couldn't finish my sentence cause Dally cut me off saying "Was she hot" "Yes she is but I ne-" I was cut off again but by Steve "You seem nervous is it because she's outside" Steve said going to the window but I stopped him "What are you doing I wanna see her" he looked out the window and looked back at me "What the hell is she doing here" Steve said "Who is it" Johnny said "That y/n girl from the wolf gang" Steve said. Everyone looked at me with confused faces "Care to explain Soda" Darry said "Well I left the party with her and I was just gonna drop her off at home but her brother had a girl over so we went to the park and I asked her if she was gonna spend the night there and she said yes so I said she can sleep here cause I don't want her sleeping at the park all alone cause you know something bad could happen" I said "She can sleep at her friends house" Dally said "Her friend is with a dude she met at the party so can she sleep here please" I said "Fine she can but she's sleeping on the couch" Darry said "What no she can't sleep here" Pony said "Pony just cause we don't like her nor her gang we shouldn't just let her sleep outside it's dangerous" Darry said. Pony rolled his eyes and just looked at me mad "Well thanks Darry your the best" I said before going outside to tell her.

Your POV
Soda came out and told me I was able to sleepover "Come on lets go inside" Soda said. We went inside and I felt all them staring at me and if stares could kill I would be dead right now. "I'm going home" Dally said leaving the house then Steve and Two left. "Johnny you could sleep in the room with Pony tonight" Soda said "Come on Johnny lets go to bed" Pony said and they both went to one of the room. "Night" Darry said and went to his room "I should just go back to the park" I said "No just stay here I don't want you getting hurt" Soda said "Ok and do you have some sweats or like pajama pants I can borrow I don't want to sleep in this dress" I said. Soda went to his room and came back out with sweats he handed them to me then showed me where the bathroom was and I went in there and changed, I put on the sweats and flannel that he already gave me which I had to buttoned up. I left the bathroom and placed my dress on the floor by the couch "So your gonna sleep on the couch and I will sleep on the floor" Soda said "You can sleep on the couch with me" I said and Soda's face went red "Y-you sure" he said with a stutter which was cute "I'm sure" I said. He laid down and I laid down on top of him, he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

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