Chapter Seven

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It was late evening. Foxy and I were on the couch, waiting for dinner.
Out of the blue, Chica asks "So, are you two a thing or something?"
"What? No totally not. Nope. Nada. No way." He responds with.
"Hah, I could tell you are. It's obvious. They way you guys talk to each other and the fact that you have been in bon's room more often."
"Why are you paying attention to us anyways?" Foxy questions.
"C'mon, it's hard not to notice. Beside, you two look cute together." She responds. I blush and foxy just laughs.


After dinner, Chica told Fred about us. He just shrugged it of really. Foxy and I were back in my room. I booted up my console because foxy somehow found LEGO Star Wars. I don't know how, but he found it. We put the disc in and waited for it to start up. He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder. I pat his head as the game starts up. He grabs a second controller to play with me. A short bit later, foxy leaves the room to get us snacks. I wanted to make a move on him. I decided to have a sleepover with him and then, I will make my move. When he came back, I asked him if he wanted to stay here the night. He agreed with a smile on his face.

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