Chapter Nine

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Foxy POV

(About a week after the last chapter)
I woke up in my bed feeling like shit. Not sick or anything, just like a horrible person. I felt worthless. Maybe this feeling will go away later in the day. I went back to sleep and woke back up at noon. Still hating myself. I got up and went to the kitchen . No one was out of their rooms. Of course. I open the fridge and grab a sandwich and a can of soda. I mope back to my room. I start to eat my food and I get a voice in my head. -Dude, just give up on life already. What's the point. No one will notice- Everyone will notice, the hell you talking about? -You think they actually care about you? They feel sorry for you- Shut up. That's not it. They like me. -No one really cares. No one really likes you. They put on masks, like you- Hey! I act differently in front of others because I don't want them to see the real me... -Now you get it. They are like you, different in front of others. Don't try to do think they are really nice- I...I guess you're right. I'm nothing. They don't care about me. And I shouldn't either.


I've been getting knocks on my door from people asking if I'm alright. I just respond with "Yeah I'm fine" and they leave me alone. It wasn't until Bon came and asked if I was ok. I responded with the usual but he then opened my door. "You've said that each time someone has come to your door. You aren't alright." He says. "Yes I am. I just need some time alone." "I haven't seen you all day. Something is wrong." He responds with a demanding tone. "Why is it that you care even? You just feel bad for me and want to make me "feel better about my life" when even I can't help it. I don't understand what's so important about my life. I just want to be left alone. Can't I have that?" "I'm going to take you to my room so we can talk." As soon as he takes a step towards me, I yell out "Take another god damn step and I'm killing myself. Leave me alone." He stands there in shock, comprehending the words I just said. He then leaves my room, heading to his. I hear crying from his room.

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