Stitched up

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No sound was heard for several minutes, just a low dull ringing that rattled low in her eardrums and seemed to shriek blocking out the cries of the older woman and destruction of the explosion's aftermath just the same sound reverberating in the empty corridor of her skull. It felt like hours before Donna finally could hear again but there wasn't much to note besides the occasional plunk of glass falling from their empty frame and the pitiful whimpers of Sharla curled up in the corner clutching her arms where she had been tossed from the force of the eruption. Shakily getting to her feet, she looked around the partially destroyed living room, sections of the wall had been shattered along with it the window, exposing a gap into the cabin opening them up for an invasion. Their sofa was tossed over onto its front and had been knocked against the table and then slid against the opposite wall shattering the flat screen TV along with it. Clear glass spread on the charred floor and just outside the skeleton of the old red truck was aflame brightening up the clearing with a dull flicker of amber flames. Their escape plan was gone and there he stood. Walking from the forest into the clearing his head turned to the vehicle and then slowly moved to her.

They stared at each other in a heavy silence that weighed on her chest amplified with such a crushing fear that the world seemed to be bearing on her shoulders in that moment. Those blue eyes were so cold and determined gazing with contempt and then his hand reached up to touch his chest in the area where the blade had once been buried. Pushing past the cotton of his black tank top underneath to the raised flesh of a scar their eyes still locked in a shared message. It seemed as if the entire world fell away in that moment and it was just the two of them locked in a silent battle of wills. Her breathing ragged and body shaking from the remnants of pain and terror but himself a solid wall. Only pulled from it when Sharla screamed and both their heads whipped around to follow the sound.

Donna now being pulled from her thoughts jumped into action, darting forward despite a shard planted in her left leg and dragging up the frail woman by one arm both of them making a hasty escape into the master bedroom before their assailant could follow. With the remainders of her strength she pushed a heavy borough in front of the door and then fell into a heap onto the ground. The adrenaline had begun to wear off and now pain rippled through her body from the injured leg.

From what she could tell the shard itself was only a few centimetres thick but long enough that the pointed part tore into her leg and was now buried up against the bone. Moving it was pure agony but there wasn't time to dwell on that fact so she grasped the edge with a piece of cloth and tore it from the flesh in one swoop. Blood began to flow from the empty wound geysering upwards and dripping to the floor in puddles. Thinking quickly she tied a makeshift tourniquet to the bottom of her knee to apply pressure to the blood vessel then ripped free a piece of cloth from a spare shirt in their drawer using the sleeves as a way to address the wound and the spare part tucked in for extra coverage. It wasn't the best bandage but they were out of options. Pain swelled angrily in her leg but Donna pushed upwards on the other using the borough as a crutch to limp towards the other woman who sat on the bed idly watching unsure of what to do with her shaky hands.

"Are you hurt?"

"N-No. Just a few scraps and bruises. The chair gave me some coverage but.. Missy you shouldn't be standing. That looks like it hurts a hell of a lot more than mine do." There was a hint of motherly concern in Sharla's docile tone as she gingerly sank to the floor on one knee pressing her cold fingers to the top of the shirt only to quickly pull away when Donna let out a hiss of pain. "I'm sorry darlin' t..this is all my fault. We're gonna die here aren't we?"

"No! I won't allow it. I'll think of a way to get us out and if I have to, I'll use myself as a buffer from him." She spoke with a firm voice but the touch of the older woman's hand to her cheek suddenly sprang tears to her eyes. Inwardly cursing the weakness that she showed, she sunk down and leaned against the wife for momentary comfort.

Enslaved Heart (A "No one lives" fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now