Light it up

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Donna could feel the weight of sleep tug on her heavy eyelids and struggled to stay awake staring at the horizon just before the road as the sun began to rise up and beautiful colors dotted along the sky turning it from the eternal black to an array of colors. They had been driving straight ahead through the night and Simon quickly fell asleep fatigued by the journey and unaccustomed to all the energy extended while she was already well adjusted. At this point staying up for much longer would be out of the question and her eyes drifted down to the sides of the road looking for a place to park that would shield their car from view settling on a small ditch near the side of the road. Pulling off and turning in so that their white impala would be almost impossible to spot with just a glance against the vibrant greens and then pushed her car seat way back rolling over onto her side.

Sleep came quickly, a trick that had been taught in the cell when his impatience was rampant and it was expected that when the lights were out so was she. Having no problems huddling up against the plush car seats and sleeping for approximately four hours only awakened by a hand gently shaking her awake and rolling over to see Simon's face inches away. In the moment she was a bit perturbed at being rudely shook and was about to snap until spotting clear red rings under the boy's eyes from crying. Instantly her bristles were clipped back and she sat up concern evident in the furrow of her brows.

"What is it kiddo?"

"I-It's nothing.. I just had a dream.. About them.." His words came out as a weak whisper and his head was lowered looking like a dog that had just been scolded and instantly drawing on the sympathetic nature of Donna who pulled him close to her chest. "You're so strong Donna.. I wanted to be just like you and fight on but.. I miss them."

"I know. I know. I don't expect you to be like me, hell I'm hardly like me. The only reason I'm standing right now is to ensure that you don't die either." She scooted over onto the seat allowing him a small wedge of space that he eagerly accompanied resting his head against her chest and listening to the rhythmic beat of her heart instantly calming his nerves. "I didn't tell you about Sharla.. Did I?"

"The woman on the news? No.. you kind of glossed over what happened to them but I gauged from your reaction and what was being said that it wasn't good. Did he really do all that? Hurt your leg and mutilate them just for helping you?" Disbelief was written on each inch of the boy's face and despite the topic being increasingly painful for Donna, seeing the pain melt away from him was worth it, even just for a moment.

"Yes. I wasn't sure exactly what happened to her or her husband that day. He was stalking us in the house, exploded the wall with a truck and that's how the shard was lodged in my leg than Sharla sacrificed herself for me. Went out screaming into the woods as a way of promising my survival." She stopped choking on her words and pulled out the gold locket letting him watch it's soft twinkle in the sun. "This was her daughter's, I promised Sharla I would return it.. And now I give it to you."

Gingerly unwrapping the chain from her matted hair, Donna pulled the necklace around his skinny neck and tucked it gingerly under his green flannel coat while the boy watched on in disbelief. Retrieving it almost instantly as if not trusting his eyes on what had been witnessed than with the thick of his thumb tracing over the name engraved on the front. Every inch of grief washed away in that moment and his slender arms wrapped around her waist in a warm hug that she quickly reciprocated snuggling into the warmth of his body in a platonic show of affection. It felt as if they were an older sister caring for their little brother despite no blood relation between the two of them. This whole incident seared a bond that was stronger than any familial ties, a bond of trauma and grief but also of trust.

"Why would you give this to me?" He huffed out through a shaky smile sitting back up against the divider and crossing over to his own seat crinkling the map as he sat on it.

Enslaved Heart (A "No one lives" fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now