This is War

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Shortly after their arrival at the cabin as the sun rose high up in the sky but was covered in a thick swirling gray mass of clouds did the rain begin to fall. It was short at first in small bursts of drops until all at once it was as if the dam had broken and it had begun to pour. Large droplets of water splashed against the ground and slapped the roof of the nicely maintained cabin thankfully not dripping through keeping both her and Simon safe from the wet assault. Though everything else outside quickly grew drenched which dashed any ideas of having a fire, any wood that had been stored outside for those purposes was far too drenched to ignite and even if they could spark a flame it would be put out just as fast. Instead they were both content to sit on the wood floor and listen to the slapping of water against the ceiling playing a game of uno that had been found inside one of the closets drawers, sitting on the nicely waxed floor.

Had this whole situation not arisen from murders and kidnapping she could have sunk into the familiar memories of playing cards in a trailer with her family. Uno just happened to be a favorite game with a mixture of strategy and luck that intrigued the competitive but also analytic yearnings of her mind. Now Simon was kicking her ass but it wasn't frustrating in fact their atmosphere was light and jovial. Laughter being shared between the two as cards were flipped over and displayed or someone was screwed over with a draw four. At last they were neck and neck both with only one card left trying to sike out the other.

"What's ya next move Donna?" Simon chuckled through his darkened hazel eyes gazing at his own red five after placing down a green card switching the colors and hoping to have tripped her up that way. He still had no idea what color she possessed and anxiety began to prickle at his back, unable to read the expression on her face the entire game. At last the cold frown turned into a smile and she placed down a wild card.

"Red. I believe I've won the game."

"Aghhh! Damn it!" He mocked frustration throwing down his singular red card and then throwing his hands dramatically up towards the ceiling. "After all that you still had a wild?! You got me good!"

"It's all in the luck of the cards kiddo. You were close though.. Just not as good as me." She stuck her tongue out gathering the cards and only laughing more at the audible scoff and turn of head from the boy sitting opposite. Beginning to shuffle the thick deck using the bridge technique that had been taught many years ago. Arching the cards inwards then letting them collapse one on one together then doing it all over again until colors were mismatched and they were ready to go. At the same time observing Simon who was watching with wonder in his eyes and then slapped his hands noisily against the wood.

"How do you do that?!"

"Do what?"

"Shuffle like that! I mean.. I've tried but I've always fumbled it.." Just to further show the point, he palmed the deck and attempted to recreate what she had done only to send the cards cascading down in a mess onto the floor. They stared at the heaps for a few seconds just blinking in silence.

"I'm not cleaning that up." She laughed.

"Whatt? This is technically your fault too. I mean I only made this mess to illustrate my point so if you hadn't been so good at shuffling this wouldn't have happened," He paused "So you have to help."

"Oh really I do?"


With a snort she got up taking a pillow from one of the bed's and throwing it his way forcing Simon to put his hand up and clasp around the edges with shock written on his face. "Watch me." Donna then, in great defiance, climbed up onto the lower beds and crossed her arms in a show of refusal.

Enslaved Heart (A "No one lives" fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now