Worm on the Hook

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Donna flexed her jaw hearing the bone pop in and out of place with the simplest of movements making an audible crack that drowned out the rustle of grass against jeans as she paced against the open field. It had only been a few minutes since they had discovered the fresh graffiti but it seemed as if every sensible bone in her body was battling against the impulse to charge in and fuck shit up. Had Simon not been a variable in this equation she had no doubt that would be her choice but any step she took condemned him just as much. They had to play this smart. She stopped in front of the sign standing at the very tip of her toes and with an outstretched hand swept at the drips of paint feeling the cool metallic of flat metal than a wet thick glob of paint. Malleable and quick to spread it had already gathered against her palm a dark oozing black warmed by the sun and drying shortly after. Simon trotted up beside her, his cargo shorts distributing the knee high grass around them making an audible rustle sound as he passed it. Pressing his fingers into the paint on her hand only to withdraw with a miniscule amount of residue on his finger tips sending her a confused expression.

"What does it mean?"

"It means the man who did this, must've left it recently which means he's nearby."

 Without offering much more of an explanation Donna trekked through the high ferns back to the stationary car pulling it open and then wrenching free the drawstring bag from the back. Tugged within the sheer thick fabric of a winter coat wrapped neatly and tightly around the blood stained kitchen knife. It glinted menacingly in the harsh sunlight and than was quickly tugged away into her waistband till she could feel the cold against her skin. They didn't have much in the way of defensive or offensive weapons which would prove a problem against Driver, she knew this better than anyone. He would be ready for them, they had lost the element of surprise and their head start on him. She felt a flicker of frustration growing as the true hopelessness of the situation seemed to dawn on her, the board was stacked, it's checkmate. 

"So.. what are we doing?" Simon's soothing voice spoke from her side, spooking her slightly as she turned over to face him both their faces grim with realization. "Is this the end?"

"Looks to be it kiddo.. Here. Take the car, get out of here." She yanked the keys from the ignition and dropped it into his palm expecting him to cross around and leave but he simply held his hand out to her. 

"I don't want them."

"You'll die here Simon. This isn't your fight, it's mine."

"This fight is as much yours as it is mine. He killed my parents, destroyed my life and now he wants to take yours? I'll help you!"

Donna turned away from his determined expression feeling a sting of bitterness, he looked just like Sharla before she ran off into the woods. Ready and willing to help even if they were being led like lambs to the slaughter. She cast her eyes into the entrance of the park where the strong oaks bent by their trunks and branches swayed in the breeze spreading a sweet familiar scent of pine and dirt into her flaring nostrils. This truly would be a beautiful place to die, but not for Simon.

"I can't ask that of you. It's my brother and your only thirteen Simon! You have a life to live."

"And you don't?!"

"No! My life is over." She shouted unaware of how loud she had become until he flinched away and a sudden remorse settled over her body slumping down her shoulders. 

"I'm sorry.. If you are determined to come with... I can't stop you but promise me something. If he recaptures me you'll leave me behind. Don't kick and scream just leave and live your life for me."

"... I promise Donna. But I won't let him take you!"

She inclined her head towards him and then turned to the entrance of the park's gravel path leading up and in before disappearing under the darkness of the trees canopy  lit up a row of streaks leaking through the branches. Small spotlights of amber light provided from the sun above. Beside it right at the front was a brown board detailing a map of the trails each marked with their own color and leading all the way around back to where they entered from. The longest being a wide snaking orange trail which was approximated to be about forty five minutes at the least, her finger traced along the plastic barrier following the trails wonky pattern often times diverging through others or making strange loops and sharp turns to avoid cliffs and pitfalls helpfully labeled in black. Donna narrowed her eyes and considered the information taking a step back to stare at this park as a whole, before motioning Simon over who was sat atop the hood of the car. He trotted sluggishly over on limber legs glancing at the map than sticking his tongue out as he followed her gaze to the orange trail. 

Enslaved Heart (A "No one lives" fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now