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Driver squatted low to the ground as all around him metal tiles and thick branches covered in thorns or splinters came tumbling to the ground rolling off to the side and making a loud racket that could wake the dead. Hardly moving an inch besides raising up his arms to shield his face from any debris or dust kicking up in the collapsing vehicle and only letting them fall when silence resettled the area. As suspected both Donna and that boy were missing from the distant sound of a rumbling engine he suspected they were taking off into the woods once more and felt a flickering frustration buried in the root of his chest. They were so close, close enough that he could catch the soft scent of roses from Donna's jacket but then it was taken away all over again. The only thing he was left with was confirmation that she had forgotten a portion of their time spent together and that stung. This had to be the reason her eyes flashed with such malice unlike before..

Questions swirled around but any answers were unknown whether that was from pure shock or just stupidity no one could tell. Why had she run from me that day? Why was she running now? When would this end? Truth be told Driver hated this chase just as much as Donna did, it was fraught with danger for the both of them. In several instances she was put in near fatal situations and from the sight of the bandages around her leg and hand they must have been badly wounded at multiple points of the journey. Though noticeably that ginger boy she traveled with was devoid of anything on his pale skin. A jump of jealousy stabbed at his heart just thinking of the child and his fingers clenched in anger. Killing his parents had simply been an obstacle but now that their son had survived he could sniff a growing challenge in his way. Donna favored him and that clear instinct to protect would mean taking out the competition would be far more difficult than he had anticipated.

"Damn it." Driver cursed under his breath, he had let things get too far, it should have all ended at that cabin but he wanted to see how well she fared against him. Letting her escape was a foolish choice that he now whole heartedly regretted.

He picked his way through the fallen scraps and heaps of metal jumping down to the soft soil with a thud and straightening upwards glancing around the empty roadway. It reminded him of the past, when he was training her in the woods and that curiosity but equally warm aura seemed to radiate from her. Even though it was months ago the memory was fresh in his mind to the point he could still hear her laughter reverberating in his ear drums.


~Day 30 into captivity/ a month in~

"Sooo.. Why are we out here? I've been locked in that cell for what felt like months now.." Donna whined, cracking her sore spine and then staring at him with wide expectant eyes standing with feet parted just at the entryway of the cell door as if ready to run if needed.  One hand was already raised up and massaged the red ring around her neck that was engraved from the metal collar she once wore. He chuckled at her childish behavior and then motioned to the woods around them.

"It's only been a month actually, besides I felt a change of scenery was necessary for what comes next. You wanted so badly to know your purpose here? Well now you will."

At first she seemed to distrust his words gazing around the scenery and then reaching an arm out as if expecting to find a green screen in her path, instead it hung in the air twisting at the wrist for a few seconds only to be withdrawn as if she had been stung. The woman took a step forward and than another, slow and cautious as ever with the tip of her shoe touching the ground and than rolling down to the heel moving forward as nothing impeded her process and at last when a sudden surge of energy pumped through Donna's encumbered veins she coiled her leg muscles up and sprang atop a turned over log. Though a rush of joy came with the motion, Driver also noticed fatigue and the second her feet touched the rough and unbalanced surface he saw each muscle stiffen and then begin to go limp. Had he not reacted in that second and caught her mid-fall she would have hit the ground hard but luckily no injuries were sustained just what looked to be a bruised ego.

Enslaved Heart (A "No one lives" fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now