Bittersweet Farwell

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 Donna Greenwood wasn't certain how long she had been locked in the holding cell of the prison, as the sudden and violent resurfacing of these tucked away memories played one after another like a string of a movie which seemed to go on for hours. It was an innate almost out of body experience which stung with emotions she hadn't understood before but now the context was there and it was bittersweet. She had liked Driver, even more than that loved which seemed preposterous but the evidence was clear as day. The only question that remained was what to do with that information. All these questions everything seemed to be answered and that last puzzle piece was snug in its place but a decision hadn't arisen with the realization. Return to him or run again, that was the question.

She was stirred from her thoughts by the sound of a door opening and the pudgy detective from before lumbered down the steps with Simon trailing behind both looking fervently around as if expecting to be caught any minute. In a rush of relief she saw that Simon was completely unharmed in fact he had cleaned up nicely. His freckled face was clean of any dirt and wearing a fresh white shirt with yellow stripes which was a few sizes too big, probably from the lost and found section or evidence locker. The bumps and scrapes from their many escapes had been bandaged up some with the regular bandaids and others requiring white gauze already beading with stains of red from fresh bleeding. Despite their apprehension he adopted the lopsided grin that always seemed to be worn on his face and scampered up to the cell door wrapping his slender fingers around the bars.

"Donna. Are you alright?" He whispered.

"I'm fine.. What are you doing down here kiddo? Are they letting me out?" The detective and Simon shared a look and from their expressions alone she knew the answer. Gulping down a huge lump in her throat Donna nodded her head staring at the ground her heart felt heavy enough to burst through her chest cavity. "Understood. So.. you both need to leave."

"W-What?! Leave! Donna I can't leave you behind! Not after everything.. We.. we can figure something out. You have the keys to her cell right?" Simon began to desperately grasp for any solution, turning to the other officer but he didn't respond, just shook his head, staring at the doorway tight-lipped. With a crestfallen expression he turned back to her tears welling up in the corner of those beautiful hazel eyes and the pain she got from seeing him this hurt was worse than the one settled on her rib cage. "I can't just leave you here. I won't!"

"Hey.. listen. Listen kid." With a heavy heave Donna got to her feet powering through the agony that suddenly erupted in her left side and stalked up to the bars between them, placing her cold hand against his heated cheek. Rubbing it with her thumb streaking grease and grim against his freshly washed pale skin wiping away the tears that began to fall while biting back her own. "I have valued our journey together more than you will ever know. You know that right? You are my companion through and through and there's no one else in the world I would have wanted to travel with in these last few days but you.. But my time is up."

Simon shook his head muttering "No. No!" Over and over as more tears spilled down his face, curling up at the edge of his cheeks grasping at her wrists afraid to let go. "I can't lose you. I've already lost everyone! He can't just win like this!"

"You aren't losing me. I'll still be around just not right here. Listen kiddo my time's been up for awhile, I'm living on borrowed time here but being with you made it better for me. I want you to go out and live, for me. Don't get muddled in revenge and grief live your own life and.. Tell my family I love them." She paused swallowing down the next wave of tears that suddenly welled up her vision already blurring. "I love you Simon, but you need to go. I won't let him kill anymore people I care about especially not you. Leave and never look back, mourn me like I'm dead, do you understand me?"

Enslaved Heart (A "No one lives" fan-fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ