Hanging out

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Driver pulled up shortly after the pair had left parking near the spot they were in and exited his vehicle using the guide of a gas powered street lamp to light up the area. His eyes drifted along the spaces and then focused on new tire marks and an area mostly devoid of leaves where they had been parked previously. Crouching low to the ground he touched the pavement and felt just the smallest hint of warmth verifying they were here at one point now the question remained as to why. Donna was smart, she wouldn't have made a pit stop if it wasn't important and being close to the ground now he noticed something else, a drop of blood more than one leading up to the front of the shop's door lit up with a neon 'open' sign. He followed it up to the entryway then pushed them open unbothered by the squeak and jingle of a bell but upon seeing a cashier behind the counter put on a friendly smile. Giving a small wave to the man then walking down into the aisles to the far back where medication was kept.

And there it was. While each shelf was neatly stocked to its fullest capacity and completely coated in dust one area had been cleared, a box of gauze and tape had been taken recently by someone. His eyes narrowed momentarily pressing his fingers to the empty spot and pondering for a moment why they would need such materials. One of them was hurt but the answer remained who..? Either way a glaring weakness was evident, his prey was injured and that could be the catalyst to their recapture all that was needed now was information. Driver stood back up and wiped away his serious expression for one of mock friendliness approaching the counter with an air of confidence but also kindness that often lured people into a false sense of security. Immediately the rat of a man put down his comic book and offered a yellow stained grin as well resting two hands against the counters polished wood.

"Howdy there mister. What can I help you with?" The man spoke with a distinct southern accent that drew out his words and made things harder to understand along with a lisp that incorporated only words with 'th' and was hard to hear unless you were truly listening.

"Yes well, I'm looking for some friends of mine. A girl about this tall," He held his hand to about shoulder's length seeing as Donna was 5'2" compared to his 6'0" height that would be around the ballpark of where she stood, the boy was a bit more of a mystery so he stuck with descriptions instead. "And a boy with curly ginger hair. We got separated on the way up and I wanted to see if they had stopped in for snacks."

For just a minute the cashier looked suspicious, quirking a brow upwards and anticipating the worst Driver palmed the cool metal handle of his pocket knife pressing it against the side of his cargo pants but then the look vanished and a realization hit him. Tapping on the front of the counter and then bringing out a missing persons poster holding an older photo of Donna that stared right up at him. Shock rippled through his body and an ache for her punctured through his heart but he kept up the facade gazing up at the man with great difficulty his eyes begging to gravitate back down to the photo.

"There was a girl who came in lookin' like this one. Mighty fine missy but she reminded me so much of this one I just had to ask. Damn if I wasn't disappointed that she was too young for me, had a nice ass on her. Is she ya girlfriend?"

"You could say that." Rage began to bubble up inside but he breathed heavily and clenched his fists hard around the knife's cool handle, answers first.

"What a bummer! Hoo such a fine lassy. Either way the photo was a spittin' image of her but this girl went missing way up North. Guy should cut me a piece of that pie aye partner?"

"Right.. Did you see where my friend was headed?"

"Why I sent them up Targhee highway to Montana, said she was looking for a town or sum. Had a kid with her too and was limping something fierce. I think she was hurt but couldn't tell ya why. Took one of these maps too." His greasy palms tapped against the glass display of maps detailing areas around Wyoming. Nothing of true interest about the brochure had a simple forest green background with the word 'Wyoming' in bold golden letters around a circled picture of a sign reading 'You are now entering Wyoming'. Basic designs but he took one either way storing it in a back pocket and then raising his eyes back up to the man.

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