Kyo Sohma- Love Me

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fruits Basket and I also don't own Kyo :P

"Love Me Tender" by Elvis Presley.

Love Me

You close your eyes and sigh. You push your hair away from your eyes, struggling to resist the urge to cry. Kyo hasn't returned from his trip in the mountains. It's been almost a month since he has left. You were determined to tell him you love him before he went away. Even if you have gathered the courage to do so by now, you are too late; he's gone in the mountains to train. You gulp down a breath of air. The Sohma house seems so empty without him. You are not a part of the Sohma family curse, but only a mere maid that cooks and cleans for Akito-san. You shiver, thinking about your master and the harm he has caused to his own family. It makes you feel nauseous inside.

"You there! Maid girl! Get on with your duties! Akito-sama has ordered a meal!" barks one of your superiors. You gasp and quickly get on with the rice balls you had started to make before your mind had wandererd off to Kyo-kun. My Kyo-kun. When will you come home? You busy yourself for the rest of the day, trying to forget about him for just a moment. You sigh in frustration, realizing that what you are trying to do is impossible.

"Kyo-kun! Just come home!" You whisper earnestly to the ceiling as you knead the rice. You whisper it, hoping it would make him come home. You sigh unhappily.

"Is something on your mind?" You hear a quiet, sinister voice from the kitchen doorway. You instantly turn around to face Akito-san.

"A-Akito-sama... What are you d-doing out of your bed?" You ask nervously, your body awkwardly flinching at every breath you take.

"Why is my meal taking so long to prepare?" Akito-san demands, as he walks into the room closer to you.

"A-Ah..." You make a noise of uncomfort as Akito-san walks even closer to you, to examine the rice.

"You have barely even started! I can't stand this!" Akito-san roars angrily, slapping you across the face. You fall from shock and cry on the ground as Akito-san orders someone else to make his meal. You whimper as you stand to take leave of the kitchen.


You groan as you fall on your bed feeling the tears finally escape your eyes. You go to the small mirror on your nightstand to see the damage. Your cheeks are pink and on the top of your cheekbone, you see a small bruise starting to form. You sigh and place the mirror back in its place. You shut your eyes, wishing Kyo-kun would come back to you soon. You put on a record on your mother's old record player. The tune is soft, slow and sad. You are drowsy from your sadness and doze off to the sad melody.


You are awakened. You don't know who has awoken you, or what the time is. There is no light coming from the outside. You drowsily decide that it still must be night.

"Are you awake?" A figure asks you. You blink at the figure, recognizing his voice.

"Did Akito slap you again? I'm gonna kill'em, I swear-"

"Ky-Kyo-kun?" You ask the darkness, too tired to be excited. You rub your eyes and yawn, not asking yourself questions about his sudden appearance. You think this is a dream and try to turn to go back to sleep, but before your head can rest on the pillow, Kyo pulls your arm. You jolt awake.

"It's not a dream, if that's what you're thinkin'," Kyo says quietly. You blink at him, and shake your head. His orange hair is still there along with every other part of Kyo. Your heart beats loudly in your chest. Kyo pulls his backpack off of his back and throws it onto your bed. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I didn't go in the mountains like I told ya," Kyo sighs, looking into your eyes, "My Master took me to America. I gotchya somethin'," He whispers, pulling out a record. You smile; he remembered you had a record player which surprised you.

"Kyo-kun, thanks so much, I-"

"There's a song.. There's a song on here that I wanted to listen to with ya," He says gruffly. He takes the record and puts it in the player. At first you hear nothing, but then you hear the song play.

Love me tender,

Love me sweet,

Never let me go.

You have made my life complete,
And I love you so.

The tune continues and you don't know why he has chosen to hear this song with you. He bites his lip and turns away, his face flushing red in the darkness. Of course, you couldn't see this.

"Kyo-kun... Why have you brought this to me? Is it for your lover?" You ask quietly, the darkness of the night enveloping this encounter into secrecy.

"Lover?! Why the hell would I... I don't have a... a lover," Kyo-kun says, flustered. He scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"I dream about you... you know..." Kyo-kun whispers quietly, taking your hand in his. You flush red, knowing you can't resist any longer.

"Kyo-kun, I love you! I love you, I love you so much!" You say, quickly covering your mouth afterwards. The song is the only sound that is heard after your confession. His hand still holding yours, he stands, leading you with him. He takes both of your hands and wraps them around his neck. You blush, feeling his hands shyly wandering towards your waist. The song continues as he leads this dance, never breaking eye contact for a moment.

Love me tender,

Love me true,

All my dreams fulfill.

For my darlin I love you,

And I always will.

Love me tender,

Love me long,

Take me to your heart.

For it's there that I belong,

And we'll never part.

Love me tender,

Love me true,

All my dreams fulfill.

For my darlin I love you,

And I always will.

Kyo mouths the next part and it almost brings you to tears.

Love me tender,

Love me dear,

Tell me you are mine.

I'll be yours through all the years,

till the end of time.

"Kyo-kun, I am yours, I will always be yours..." You whisper to him, your eyes glistening with tears. He smiles warmly, love in his eyes as he kisses your forehead.

Love me tender,

Love me true,

All my dreams fulfill.

For my darlin I love you,

And I always will.

The song stops and so does your dance. You smile at Kyo-kun who smiles in return. He moves a piece of hair away from your eyes.

"But.. Ya know I love you so much more.." Kyo-kun whispers into your ear before he leans in to kiss you.

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