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I hopped off the boat with my brother cam and his best friend Zac. I had my sleeping bag, tent and backpack on my back as I stood waiting for the two boys to hop off the boat.

Soon enough cam started a fire, Zac set up the tents and I went to explore around the area. The full moon was high in the night sky, the boys ate their fish that they had caught today while I drink my protein shake that I brought with me.

Zac had went off somewhere saying that "nature called". I follow not long after finding him at a glowing doorway in the side of a cliff face.

"Zac what is that?" I asked following him inside.

"I don't know. It just showed up." He said, we both walked slowly looking around.

The next thing I know I was falling into a small pool like thing right beside Zac.

Then everything went black....


Soon enough I awoke beside Zach on the beach shore the next morning.

We went back to Cam he was very worried and confused. We explain what we could but he did not understand or believe us free. soon enough we packed everything up got onto the boat and left Mako island.


getting home I went for a bath the minute as that I was in the water I felt a funny feeling on my legs and lower abdomen.

I screamed seeing the long scaly grey fish like tail, quickly grabbing my phone for the camera I face it towards myself to see I had sharpened teeth, large glossy unnatural light grey eyes. my complexion was slightly greyish and I had spike like things on my tail.

I carefully got out of the tub and let the water out. Grabbing my towel I pat myself down feeling my tail. It was slightly slimy and felt weird to touch.

the tail continuously flapped until I closed my eyes wanting my legs back. Suddenly I yelled out in feirce pain, thankfully my family were not home to hear my screams.

soon I saw my legs but also the end of my tail I touched it and it broke into little Ashes disappearing right before my very eyes.

Standing up slowly and carefully I looked in the mirror to see my skin has gone back to it's Semi paleness but I noticed my eyes stayed the same light unnatural Grey colour.

my eyes were originally Hazel Brown so it was very noticeable the change, I will have to come up with a lie.

I got dressed and decided to go for a walk around town before school came back the next day. I was worried because I wasn't completely sure if it was the water that gave me the tail or the full moon.

All I know it was painful to shift and I definitely felt different now I couldn't tell anybody not even my own brother he won't understand he doesn't think like me anyway I was always the outcast.

I always loved books that's why I love to read and I didn't have many friends. I like to write my stories and I love the beach. I suddenly got worried, would I be able to swim in the water and be my usual self without transforming?

I'll have to go to the beach when no-one is there and give this theory a test.

Leaving my house I walked to the beach, once I got to the sand I took my shoes off and slowly made my way to the water. I was nervous about it but I put my feet in the water and and kept walking.

I soon notice that I wasn't going to transform. It must be a wish type thing where you will it to happen so perhaps if I thought about wanting or having a tail it'll appear while I'm in the water.

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