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I woke up a little sore but happy. I went for a shower and got dressed in a black singlet and some blue jeans with my boots. I picked my baby up and brought her to the beach quickly, her skin had started to peel. I stripped and went Into the water with her, we both transformed and I smiled watching her. Yura came up behind me, placing a comforting hand to my shoulder.

I nodded to him and leaned my forehead onto his for a few seconds before doing my goodbyes to my baby. I won't get to see her for a little while. I left the water and got dressed to go get something to eat. my phone started ringing.

"Hello." I said, walking down the beach slowly.

"Hey, I've got some bad news." Rob said, I closed my eyes briefly.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Uhh I hate to say this over the phone, but I'm breaking up with you." He said, my heart stopped and my head began to spin.

"Is this because of Maddie? it is isn't it?!" I said my voice raising. this hurt, it hurt a lot.

"Yes... it is. I'm so sorry I never meant to get feelings for her, please believe me." He said, I could barely hear him now with my heart beat in my ears.

"Did you fuck her?" He stayed quiet. he did.

"I guess I have my answer then." I said quietly then hung up. I stopped and collapsed on my knees in the sand on the waters edge and let the tears slip out, My heart hurt.

I sat there in the sand on my knees, the water lightly hitting my knees wetting my jeans. I cried and cried until I couldn't breath, before I knew it I was lying on the and half in the water half out.

it was a bright sunny warm day, which I suppose was good. I liked the warmth on my face. i closed my eyes trying to soak in everything that's happened. i slowly passed out.

Xander McClure P.O.V

I was out walking on the beach for my break to clear my head, all this police academy stuff was a little stressful but i was getting there. walking i saw a figure in the water, thinking it was another mermaid i went over to investigate.

getter there i saw it was Lina, Ryn's friend. i quickly got to her and checked to see if she was alright. feeling her pulse she was fine, not a scratch on her. i quickly picked her up and got her to my car and drove home.

About Half An Hour Later...

Lina shot up fast looking around with that hiss thing they do.

"Hey Lina, it's okay. It's Xander." i said quickly sitting next to her. She looked down at her tummy then around my home.

"Xander.. what am i doing here?" She asked.

"i found you passed out on the beach half in the water. what happened?" I said, she looked upset now and before i could process what was going on Lina had started crying and clung onto my upper body. i wrapped my arms around her body and brought her closer to me.

"Woah woah what's wrong?" I asked. she sniffled before rubbing her face on my chest lightly.

"Rob likes Maddie, broke up with me for her. cheated on me." She said quietly.

i helped her out of her wet jeans so she was just in her singlet and undies, I let her cry on me for a long while before she passed out from crying again. I laid her on my bed and tucked her in and went to work.

Lina's POV

I woke up again sometime later in Xander's bed, getting up I left his room to get a glass of water from the kitchen. I saw my phone on the kitchen table and grabbed it, I sat down going through it. I had messages from Maddie saying how sorry she is, and Helen asking where I am and if I'm okay.

I deleted and blocked Maddie, and replied to Helen that I was thankful for her and the others help but I was going to go and visit my old family.

Xander came back not to long after, with my waterproof duffle bag. I opened it and pulled on some shorts. I zipped my phone, money, and other small valuables in a waterproof dead lock bag. Turning to Xander I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks Xander for everything today, I really appreciate it." I said hugging him. he hugged me back.

"Of course, Always happy to help. Do you need a lift to the beach or airport?" Xander asked, with a small smile.

"The beach would be great thanks." I said, we left in his car and I said my goodbyes before swimming away with my bag on my arm.


Sorry it's been a while, I've been busy visiting family out in the middle of nowhere on a farm and and had a little bit of writer block.

Hope to enjoy :)

Love Skye xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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