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About 3 days after that Maddie and Robb planned to go somewhere for his work. he needed to go and Maddie needed a distraction from her fathers death. where as I didn't like her going with him I let it be. of course not after I spoke my thoughts out loud to him. I decided to go to Mako for a bit and visit Zac. I was slightly healed now but ready to go.

I had my water proof bag tied around my arm as I transformed after saying goodbye to Robb and Ryn. I swam fast hoping to get to Mako before dark. seeing all the merpeople as i swam was nice. there were no territrorys now just one big tribe of all different mermaids and mermen, i would still say my tribe and my people as they are my family.

i got to mako island and saw a tunnel underr water. getting curious i swam through it and came above water in a cave, there were three girls watching my stunned. they had tails like Zac's blue one but theirs were a yellowy gold.

"Who are you?" One of them with a straight face and blond hair said.

"I'm Lina. who are YOU?" I asked back. they gave me strange looks. some weird, some scared and some hostile or nervous.

"I'm lyla, this is nixie and that is serena." Lyla said. she seems like a bitch, i don't like her.

"Well do you mind if i stay for a little?" I ask. they shook their heads.

"sure. what type of mermaid are you?" serena asked in a high pitch annoying tone. i swam to the edge and lifted myself up onto the land bit.

"A different type. this pool actually gave me this." i said. i untied my bag from my arm and took my towel out. i started to transform, yelling in pain. afterwards i wrapped the towel around my body and got my phone from the protective bag it was in.

"Here? wait you're lina Mitchel?" Nixie said. my breath caught in my thoat. i hissed at them.

"I was, now it's just Lina. cam's family adopted me but i left the minute i found out." I said opening my phone. i found zac's contact and pressed the call button. waiting as it rang, zac picked up the phone on the third ring.

"Hello?" Zac asked answering the phone.

"Hey, It's Lina." i said, i felt a bit nervous i hadn't talked to him for months since i left.

"Lina? Oh my god i miss you so much, where are you?" Zac said excitedly and concerned.

"I miss you to. i actually came to visit you but i didn't know if you were busy." i said, it was the truth, i really did miss him.

"I'm not busy, Where are you?" Zac asked. i smiled.

"i'm as mako. i'll come to you, is anybody home?" I said, i felet happy.

"Nobody's home. come over. i'll wait on the dock with cam okay?" Zac said, i glanced at the mermaid girls who watched me silently.

"sure. i'll be over soon." I said. we said goodbye and i placed my phone back into the water proof bag and tied my bag to my arms again with my towel in it also. i dived into the moon pool and transformed with a yell. i swam off quickly.

soon enough i made it to Zac's dock by his house. i poked my head out of the water seeing zac. i lept up onto the dock scaring cam. i transformed with a painful yell, the end of my tail being droped into the water disintergrating. Zac quickly placed a blanket over my naked body.

"God i missed you." Zac said once i stood up.

"i missed you to. i would hug you back but if i move this blanket it'll show." i said with a slight blush. he nodded and hugged me either way, i laid my head on his shoulder in an atempt to hug him back while in this state.

"Let's get you inside and dressed." Zac said leading me into his little cabin home. i agreed and cam followed us in, shutting the door. i went into his bathroom and changed into shorts, a singlet and my sneakers, coming out i smiled and ran to zac wrapping him in a tight hug. i had no idea how much i had actually missed him.

"What happened?" Cam asked noticing the scratchcing all over my body. i looked down briefly remembering the war.

"Mermaid war. i got injured." i said. zac and i sat on his couch and Cam sat on the coffee table. i told them what happened with the war, how i found my mate, explained what a mate is.

"What's the tempeture here today. it feels so hot." i said. Cam checked his phone.

"Not to hot, are you feeling okay?" Cam said, then leaned towards me placing his hand on my forehead.

"i feel fine just hot." i said. he gasp in shock.

"You're freezing." he said pulling his hand away. i shrugged.

"It's normal for me now. i live in the Northan Atlantic, where it snows and the waters are iced over." i said. Zac placed his arm over my shoulderr pulling me closer to him. as much as it was weird being in another guys arms that weren't Robb's or Yura's.

"Wow that's a long way away. why are you here then." Zac said.

"To visit you... and i.. needed a distraction after everything that happened last week." i said. it was true, i needed a break and a distraction.

"Show me." Zac said grabbing my hand. i closed my eyes connecting our minds and reliving the memories. i heard him gasp.

"Woah that's crazy scary and wild." he said. i chuckled.

"Yeah. well the mermaid life you have is a fairy tale compared to me." i said, he nodded. soon cam had to leave so we started binge watching our favouite movies. Not long after it was dinner time and Zac's parents came out to tell him it was dinner time. they were surprised but enjoyed to see me.

we both went into the main house for dinner. Zac's mum made another plate of food for me. we talked and ate. they asked where i've been. i told them i tracked down my real family in Northern Atlantica. they also said i could stay with them for as long as i wanted. i thanked them and we finished up dinner before heading back outside to Zac's little make shift house.

i went for a shower first, hopping out i only had a towel on went to open the door but heard voices. it sounded like those mermaid girls from mako island. i walked out standing feirce and hissed at the girls in protectiveness and histility.

"What do you want?" I growled. my eyes a vibrant white color, as i had taken out my contacts.

"WE needed to talk to Zac." Lyla said dismissivly.

"DO not dismiss me Puny Mermaid. i am stronger then you." I said, my voice changing slightly to the accent i gained from being with Yura, i had gained my tribes accent. they stood back seeing i was not joking or fearful of them.

"Who do you think you are?!" Nixie countered . i growled a fierce growl and hissed quickly holding her against a wall by the throat. i stopped studdenly grabbing my bag.

"I'm sorry Zac, i shouldn't have come back." I said hugging him quickly them tied my bag to myself and made my way outside and to the dock. i stripped of my towel as that was all i had on and dived into the water, transforming. i quickly swam away, back to northern atlantica. it'll take me about a day to do so but it'll have to do.

here begins my journey back home.....

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