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Turns out that i had misthought how long my trip was going to be. i had to take my time so now i was just getting to my borders. it had been three days. now crossing my tribes borders i was greeted by nori, a male warrior. he nods his head once in acknowledgement as i kept swimming. i made it to the fishing hut and leapt up, i hid my bag in a corner then went back into the water.

it took me a few minutes to get used to the freezing waters again. i felt a clawed webbed hand rest on my waist making me turn to see Yura. i smiled making him smile back at me, i pulled him into a hug, our tails wrapping around one another. i pulled back then felt a weird sensation go through me.

Yura looked at me stunned slightly, soon his throat did a weird glowing thing and he dragged me to the fishing hut. we got out and transformed, pulling on a warm ice jacket. we sat on the floor together. i felt weird, like i wanted a baby and that i wanted to mate, to have sex.

"What's happening to me?" i asked once human again.

"It means it is almost time to make baby." Yura told me.

"Mating season?" I said. he nodded.

"Yes, this is why you glow." Yura said. we look at each other feeling an attraction formed by the mating season. i remember yura telling me about this a long time ago. we get close to each other i feel myself glowing as does yura's throat glows. we both stop looking away.

"Not now." i said, he nodded, he placed a kiss to my forehead then went back to the water. i grabbed my phone and called Robb to check up and let him know that its mating season.

it rings for a few seconds before he picks up the phone.

"Hey love." Robbs kind voice comes through the speakers.

"Hello Robb. its mating season." i said getting straight to the point.

"I know i feel the pull. i can't make it this season i'm sorry. you'll have to make baby for tribe with one of the other males. okay?" He replied with. i sighed a bit disappointed.

"Okay Robb." i said. i was about to hang up when i heard his voice again.

"i love you. good luck." Robb said.

"i love you to." i said then hung up. i sighed putting my phone back once i turned it off and took the coat off. i went into the water and transformed. swimming away from the fishing hut i found yura, i explained to him what Robb said.

it was settled. i would mate with yura. we would try in mermaid form and if that did not work then we would try in human form. when it is time. for now we swim and gather food. but the time was close now.

Yura and i went our seperate way to both find food. i swam around low on the sand surface of the ocean floor looking for fish, i held my spear weapon ready to spear any threat or any fish. after a while i found a huge fish and speared it. i went back to the tribe and the females ate first.

since their pool was fixed their was a lot more males around but females were still the larger factor of this tribe still. after the males ate everyone seperated in pairs of threes. it was time. i could feel it, i looked at yura, my body glowing with attraction. yura grabbed my hand and we swam somewhere a little more private to do the mating process.


two days later i felt different. i don't know how to explain it i just felt different, more predatorial , more protective but also tired. i told yura and he told me that the mating process was a success. i was pregnant with yura's mermaid baby.

it won't take long, the pregnancy. as mermaid pregnancy are usually faster and the children grow faster. yura explained how once the baby was born the males would take the child to teach it how to fight, how to survive until it was ready then the mother would get her child back and teach her the song, only a mother would be able to teach it.

yura hugged me happily. not just was i pregnant but, others of our tribe were also. the waters were getting better, thanks to Robb and his ideas and hard work.

3 months later

Yura and I swam together all the time. I had decided to go back to Bristol cove for the birth as I know about the hybrids of Helens family and that they could help me.

Yura said he'd come with me to protect me and the baby and so he was there for the birth. I didn't care if I had to give birth in a bathtub at least I would be on land in human form to do it.

We swam to the fishing hut and dragged ourselves out, transforming to human form and getting dressed in warm clothes. Robb had booked us a plane flight to Bristol cove as being pregnant has made me a lot more tired and I couldn't strain myself.

We headed to the airport and borded the plane. I explained on the way there how planes work so he wouldn't completely freak out.

Once I showed him how our seatbelts worked, I did mine up with Yura doing the same while watching me. The plane started up and started shaking around a bit with a loud noise causing Yura to hiss and panic.

"Yura it's okay. Remember what I told you?"I asked grabbing his hand. He nodded.

"Yes. Planes are loud and bumpy." He replied. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Good." I said.

"We mermaids are not meant to fly, we swim." He said, squeezing my hand every now and then.

"I'm sorry Yura, you know we would swim if we could." I said. He shook his head making me look at him.

"Don't be. I am proud to be the father of this child with you. She will become strong and brave." Yura said keeping eye contact with me. My baby bump showed I was between 7-9 months pregnant.

I knew Yura would be a good father. Once the baby is born he will take it back to the water and teach her how to fight, hunt and survive then I will get her back and teach her our song.

Yura loved to lay on the oceans sand surface with me. His head on my stomach as he listened to the baby's heartbeat with me.

"Let's get some sleep Yura, we won't be getting there for a little while." I said.

"Okay, yes, Lina." Yura said, I leaned my head on his shoulder and stayed in a state of half asleep and sleep. Dreaming of The baby, Robb and Yura.

Word count: 1182

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