Chapter One

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Ivy looked up at the cute little coffee shop and tried to silence the growing discomfort spreading through her stomach. Her nerves had nothing to do with the place and everything to do with meeting her friend.

This was her decision, so why was she so hesitant? Why did telling Paige make her feel so faint?

A car horn jarred her from her worries. Checking her phone, she realised she'd missed a text from Paige explaining that she was running late.

Just great, Ivy thought to herself. That was sure to make her even more edgy by the time Paige arrived. She stowed her phone back in her pocket and entered the small shop.

The smell of strong coffee assaulted her senses and cleared her mind long enough to find a table.

It took all of her strength not to fold her head on her arms and give up. The front cover of a newspaper caught her eye and caused a lump to form in her throat.

The waitress arrived before Ivy could get too emotional. She ordered a pot of tea for herself and a latte for Paige, praying the waitress would not notice her anguish and leave.

All week she'd endured people looking at her, trying to assess her feelings. The worst part was having to see people's pity. She'd never felt more humiliated or defeated than she did in that moment. A few days ago she'd been angry and hurt, but now she just felt empty to all of it.

People that she'd trusted had lied to her. And behind all the lying and secrets had been her father.

Her own father had coerced management into saying nothing to her. Granted, Charles Thorn had never been much of a father, but still, she'd hoped that she was making him proud. But she'd been mistaken.

Her father was the head of Thorn Enterprises, a chain of successful hotels that spread throughout Europe. He was ruthless, smart and cruel, a combination which had earned him a notorious reputation.

Ivy's attention was diverted as the waitress came back and placed her order on the table before bustling off. Movement caught her eyes as Paige waved at her from the front of the store. Concern creased Paige's brow as she came closer, narrowing her eyes at Ivy's defeated expression.

At five foot nine, she towered over Ivy's five foot two frame. With long black hair, coffee coloured skin and a figure most women would kill for, she was getting some serious looks from the men in the room. Which, as usual, she was oblivious to.

The two women hugged before they sat down. Paige picked up her latte and arranged a napkin on her lap before looking at Ivy.

"How bad is it?"

Ivy teared up at the nondescript words.

They had announced the collapse of Thorn Enterprises at the beginning of the week, much to the surprise of almost everyone. Ivy had received a brisk phone call from her father only moments before the story broke, throwing her life into total chaos.

Having to walk into work after the announcement had been one of the most painful experiences she'd ever had to endure. The whispers behind her back, the accusations in her colleagues eyes, had made work almost unbearable for her.

"It's bad, Paige. Really bad."

Paige's eyes contained pity, no doubt a result of Ivy's disheveled appearance.

There hadn't been time to fix her makeup before leaving the office and Ivy's eyes were red and puffy from holding in tears.

"Is there anything that can stop this?" Paige grabbed Ivy's hand in a comforting gesture.

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