Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ivy rolled around onto her side, staring at the clock and her phone on the bedside table. The red numbers seemed to blur together in her still sleepy state, but eventually she could make them out. 4:21am.

She pulled her phone towards herself but quickly put it back. There was no news from Ethan's security team since the last time she'd checked.

Part of her had been worried that he'd gone to his bachelor party without his bodyguards, but she didn't voice her opinion. The last thing she wanted was to make her and Ethan's relationship more strained by adding another unnecessary argument.

And besides, he was a grown man. If he wanted to make silly decisions he could, there was nothing she could do about that.

Still, when his security team had called to ask if she knew where he was, her mild worry had turned into something bordering on panic. Apparently he hadn't checked in with them in a few hours and he wasn't responding to any of their attempts to contact him.

They'd been quick to reassure her. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, but it hadn't eased her fears. Even after everything he'd done to her, she couldn't stop worrying about him. She was angry with herself for it, but still she'd checked her phone regularly in case his bodyguards called her again.

Eventually, thoroughly frustrated with herself for caring and the lack of news she'd received, she'd gone to bed. Determined to put Ethan Carter out of her mind. A task she had repeatedly failed at in the few days since their return.

A selfish part of her wanted to call off their sham of a wedding. Say to hell with him, her father, and her family's company. But she knew that was just her damaged heart talking. Her head knew just how much was at stake if she walked away. People could lose their jobs, others their investments, and she would have to say goodbye to a job she loved. It would be a total disaster that she'd feel entirely responsible for.

She knew the guilt would eat at her. So instead she'd thrown herself into wedding planning, even if it meant having to force a smile every time Ethan's mother looked at her. Trying not to be bothered when Ethan disappeared for hours or avoided being in the same room as her.

She tried not to think of the women he was undoubtedly seeing, not wanting to hurt herself more and yet she couldn't stop the thoughts worming their way into her head. She'd half expected him to stop coming back to the apartment, but without fail he'd returned every night. Always looking as exhausted as she felt.

The sounds of something moving around downstairs had her sitting bolt up in bed.

She wrapped a dressing gown around herself and tiptoed to the door. She listened carefully expecting Ethan to walk up the stairs and into his room, but Ethan never appeared. Panic rose inside her as she heard two distinct voices.

"Noooo. Stopppp." She jumped as she realised the mumbled words were Ethan's.

"Just do what I say." Came a female voice that Ivy was sure she'd heard before, but fear was clouding her mind, stopping her from making the connection.

The sound of scuffling came from downstairs, before she heard someone land heavily on the settee, so much so it screeched across the wooden floor.

Her survival instincts kicked in and she backtracked to her room. Her eyes searched for something to use as a weapon. Thankfully, Ethan used his spare bedroom to keep his golf clubs, and she withdrew the largest one.

Weapon in hand, she made her way down the stairs, her heart racing.

Her body froze a few steps from the bottom and her hands shook so much she almost dropped the golf club. A sob tried to escape her, but she pushed it back.

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