Chapter Sixteen

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Ivy nibbled on a few blueberries every time she passed her kitchen table. Stress eating. She knew what she was doing, but it was like her hands had a mind of their own.

It was Sunday and unusually she had the day off. 

She was glad Ethan was taking her out somewhere. Anything to take her mind off of the conversation between her and her father. And even Ivy had to admit no one consumed her mind quite like Ethan.

She hadn't seen him since he'd driven her to work the day before but the memory of him shirtless in his kitchen had stayed with her making it impossible to concentrate.

Paige had already explained how Ethan had suddenly turned up after she'd gone to bed. Ivy wasn't sure what to make of his behaviour.

She still couldn't believe she'd told him about her ex. In the year since it had happened she'd only been able to tell three other people and now, as unlikely as it would seem, Ethan Carter was the fourth.

She'd thought she would disgust him, but he'd treated her so kindly. It was a side to him that she hadn't been expecting. Already she felt herself becoming jittery, knowing that he was picking her up in a few minutes.

She didn't know what their plans were, and it was not through lack of trying. She'd tried to wheedle the information out of him all night after but he'd given her no clues. All he'd told her was to wear something she wouldn't mind getting dirty.

Her phone buzzed on the countertop, a message from Ethan flashed across the screen. Grabbing her purse and a cardigan, she made her way outside, not pausing as she slid into his car.

Instantly she was rewarded with his breathtaking smile.

"You look beautiful as always, la mia principessa."

She blushed at his complement.

Before she could ask where they were going, his lips descended on hers with a fierce intent. Her body responded to his immediately as she kissed him back.

They were both panting by the time Ethan pulled away, chuckling, resting his forehead against hers.

"It's been too long since I kissed you," he whispered.

"You only saw me yesterday," she huffed out, still trying to catch her breath.

His eyes turned to look at her with an unreadable expression. "Exactly. Too damn long." His expression broke into a shit-eating grin when she laughed.

He negotiated his way through the morning traffic, his hand nervously tapping on the wheel as he hummed to a song on the radio.

Music really wasn't Ivy's thing, but when he began to sing, she felt her mouth open in shock.

His deep tone was beautiful as he sang along. When the song finished, he looked over and smirked at her stunned face.

"You're quiet today or were you just stunned into silence at my singing?" He teased her gently, reaching over to trap her hand in his.

"You have an exquisite voice," she said in awe, not trying to hide just how moved she'd been.

His teasing smirk morphed into something more soft as he glanced over at her.

"My mother always sang to us as children and on the nights when she couldn't be home, me and Elisa would sing to the twins to get them to go to sleep. Those two never wanted to sleep." He chuckled at the memory.

"You're really close to them. It's nice and they seem wonderful." And Ivy meant it. She'd enjoyed spending time with his family. Sure they were big and loud, sometimes very loud, but it had felt nice. Almost like she was part of a proper family.

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