Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ethan tried to focus his attention on the hotel manager leading him around the hotel, but images of Ivy dived through his mind, distracting him.

They'd only been at the hotel for three days and had made love every chance they got. He'd never used those words to describe his sexual relations with women. He fucked them, plain and simple. All the lovey-dovey hearts and kisses was not his style. And yet he didn't think like that with Ivy.

Her pleasure was pure as much as it was insatiable. She never held back when they were together.

He'd never been with someone as invigorating. She had the ability to set his blood boiling with just a small look and the number of positions he'd had her in blew his mind.

They'd spent every waking moment together, never leaving the villa. He'd found his heart almost bursting with some unknown emotion as he watched her.

Her laugh had an ability to clear any dark thoughts and because of that his conversation with Justin O'Donolly was almost forgotten. He knew he'd never been happier than there, in his little cocoon with Ivy.

Ethan pretended to pay attention as the hotel manager continued his explanation. If he knew Ethan wasn't listening, he showed no signs of it as he carried on his tour.

Ethan would have liked to just walk back to the villa and enjoy an afternoon with Ivy, but she wouldn't be back yet from her trip into the local town. He smiled as he remembered how excited she'd been when she'd left. Talking non-stop about the things she wanted to see.

He was disappointed that he couldn't go with her, but she'd promised they'd go again in the next few days. It was a relief to know she understood that he still had duties to perform whilst they took this temporary break away. She didn't throw a fit, or argue, that he wasn't spending time with her. Instead, she'd left with a lingering kiss that had his cock hardening and a promise to pick up something he would enjoy in the market.

His mind was so focused on the possibilities of what she would pick up he didn't notice a man walking swiftly toward them.

"A message was left at reception for you, Mr Palpatine." He smiled and handed over a slip of paper before hurrying off.

Ethan regarded the note with confusion before unfolding it and reading the message.

I await you at the villa -

Mrs Palpatine

A shot of excitement went through him at the thought of Ivy waiting for him. Though they had been together this morning his body already craved the feel of her against him.

His mind flashed to her waiting for him dressed solely in a long draped sarong. A delicious sweet treat that he could take his time unwrapping before he devoured every inch of her.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this a short Putu," Ethan apologised, but not the least bit sorry. It wasn't like he'd been able to concentrate on the tour, anyway.

"No problem, Mr Palpatine." The manager smiled at him knowingly before radioing a golf buggy for him.

Ethan barely forced out a few more words to Putu so as not to seem as eager to leave as he really was, but he could tell from the twinkle in the man's eyes that he had not fooled him.

His mind hardly focused on the journey to the villa. Every beat of his heart seemed to chant the same word over and over again. Ivy. Ivy. Ivy. Ivy. He was too busy tearing into the villa to notice the amused smirk of his driver.

It seemed to take forever to get the door open. His hands fumbled with it pathetically as they shook with an excitement he'd never really had in his life before.

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