Chapter Two

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Ivy climbed out of the car and pulled her jacket closer. She watched the taxi make a turn and head back down the road, taking all the light and warmth with it.

Turning to the side, she punched in her access code so that the gates guarding her father's house swung open with not so much as a creak. Everything was always diligently maintained. To her father, image, was everything. And nothing reflected that belief more than his house.

The gravel path that led from the gates to the main steps of the building was tended by the gardening crew who would be on hand in seconds if a weed even thought about making a permanent move there. The drive was lined with large towering trees which opened up into a large courtyard.

Ivy regarded the house with no warmth. It was dominating and cold. A house made completely of stone and steel with clean, cold edges. The house so perfectly reflected her parents it was like it had been built with them in mind when in reality it had been the brainchild of a supposedly brilliant architect.

Ivy felt like the word brilliant may have been overstated. There was no doubt the house was impressive but it was never a home.

There were too many lights on for only her father to be home and she groaned inwardly. How she wished she'd taken up Paige's offer of dinner. She really didn't need to run into her sister tonight of all night.

With a dejected feeling, she ploughed on until she reached the oak doors. If she was quiet, she could sneak up to her room and no one would be any the wiser.

A scantily dressed man lounging in the hallway ruined that plan as soon as she opened the door. She stood stiffly, frozen in the act of entering the house whilst the man looked equally surprised to see her.

"Robert, where are you? Don't play coy with me, honey, not if you want a good time."

Ivy could hear her sister just before she came into view.

Sasha was carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses and didn't look remotely surprised to see Ivy. She had even less on than the strange man who was now staring between them, no doubt sensing the tension.

"Ahh Sasha, would you like to explain yourself?" Ivy worked hard to control her voice.

Her sister was supposed to be turning her life around, but clearly she'd already given up on that little promise. Not that Ivy was really surprised. This was just the way things were with Sasha.

Sasha just stared coolly at Ivy before handing the champagne over to her gentleman friend. She flicked her golden hair over her shoulder in a defiant gesture.

"No, Ivy, I don't think I shall and if you don't mind Robert and I have some business to attend to." She smirked at Ivy before locking lips so forcefully with the man Ivy thought she might swallow one of his teeth.

"Oh, for heaven's sake. Take it somewhere else. You're beginning to make me feel nauseous."

Sasha turned to glare at her. The man was looking at his feet, a slow blush beginning to rise in his cheeks.

"Maybe if you got some once in a while you wouldn't be so uptight and then maybe you could find a boyfriend."

That knocked the breath right out of Ivy and by the look on her sister's face she knew she'd hit her mark.

Only a few weeks ago Ivy had rescued Sasha from another one of her disasters. It was there on the floor of the club a crying Sasha had clung to her and promised she would change. It had lasted all of a week before she was back to her old ways. Ivy knew the game her sister played, but was she ever going to stop falling for it?

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