Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ethan wanted to chuckle at the awed expression on Ivy's face as they entered reception. The hotel truly lived up to what he'd envisioned.

The reception area was the first thing you saw when you pulled into the tropical gardens. It was understated but polished to pristine, an extension of what they would find as they moved through the rest of the hotel.

He dragged Ivy forward when the staff beckoned them.

"How can I help you today?" A young girl said, smiling politely at both of them.

"Yes, I have a reservation for Mr Palpatine." He smiled when Ivy tried to cover her laugh with a cough.

"Of course, Mr Palpatine. Everything is ready for you and the small supper you requested is already in process," she said pleasantly as her fingers flew over the keys. "Requesting a buggy at reception." She spoke into a walkie talkie before continuing to type.

No sooner had she handed over the key than a small golf buggy pulled up. The man helped them load their bags and then they were off.

Ethan was a little disappointed that they'd arrived so late, but the grounds still looked otherworldly bathed in moonlight. He consoled himself with the fact he could wander around the hotel more tomorrow.

They thanked the man before watching him out of sight. Ethan felt almost jittery when he realised he was finally alone with Ivy.

"Mr Palpatine? You're such a dork." Ivy teased him as she held the door open for him to bring in their luggage.

Ethan knew she would have continued to tease him if the room, or more correctly, their villa hadn't distracted her.

He watched as she walked forward in a trance. The villa wasn't big by any standards with only one bedroom, one bathroom and a living area. But what it lacked in size it made up for in complete luxury.

"This place is amazing." Ivy's whisper sounded loud in the quiet room and instantly Ethan moved to wrap his arms around her waist.

"I'm glad you like it and that you're here with me.

He wasn't sure what was going on between them or whether he was brave enough to find out, but still he couldn't resist her. She was like his own personal magnet. Drawing him to her without even thinking about it.

They may have been pushed together because of a contract, but over the last few weeks something had changed. The marriage no longer felt like an obligation but something he was looking forward to.

"There should be food out on the patio and a small pool. Why don't you go relax? I just have to make some quick phone calls." He nudged her towards the secluded patio area, ignoring her questioning gaze.

He smiled when she reluctantly left and walked into the bedroom, closing the door firmly behind him.

His smile slipped as he loaded up his laptop and looked through the report on Justin O'Donolly. With every word, Ethan's image of the man solidified.

Justin O'Donolly was a good time lad, that was clear by his finances. Most of his credit cards were maxed out, and he had no regular income.

The trust fund he'd inherited from his wealthy grandparents at twenty-one was practically dried up. If it wasn't for the substantial amount of money recently deposited into his account by one of the biggest magazine companies in Europe, he would have been declaring bankruptcy by the end of the month.

Ethan didn't need to dig much further to realise that was the motivation for selling his story to the highest bidder. The man liked the finest things in life but didn't want to work for them.

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