Chapter Six

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Ivy reclined in her chair and watched her latest client leave. She kicked off her shoes so she could relax better.

It had been one hell of a morning. She had the International Mystery Writers Convention in two day's time, three different corporate events, and now she had to deal with a slightly nervous bride. The life of a hotel event organiser was never ending.

Ivy hung her head in her hands and planted her elbows on the desk. She'd dealt with brides before, it was all part of the job, but this would be an extremely important wedding with high society guests. Everything had to be just right, especially with the hotel's future looking so shaky. They needed this wedding to go well, to reassure everyone.

She'd spent all morning rehashing out the details of the wedding and trying to reassure the bride that she should most definitely not change the colour scheme to bright pink. Ivy found she really did like Eleanor Opal, and in retrospect she hadn't been as demanding as Ivy had originally thought.

Though today the jealousy Ivy had felt when speaking to her had almost blindsided her. Here was a woman who had a supporting family, a loving fiancée and a bright future. Looking at her, she couldn't help but admit just how screwed up her own life was.

She grimaced to herself as she remembered Ethan having dinner with her family. Everything had started out well, if a little strained, but it's funny how quickly things could start crumbling.

When her father had knowingly mentioned her upcoming wedding her sister had not been impressed. The only blessing after that bombshell was dropped was the fact Sasha had been resolutely quiet from that point on, for which Ivy had been grateful.

When Ethan had finally made his escape, she would have given anything for him to rescue her as well. It was not an experience she was keen to repeat.

The rattling of a passing trolley jolted Ivy back to the present. She watched as the harassed looking porter maneuvered it through the hall and turned the corner. It was only then that she realised that a very tall, broad shouldered man was approaching her office.

Ivy jumped up and tried to squish her feet into her shoes whilst tidying up her desk. She watched as Ethan shut the door behind him, imprisoning her in the room with him.

Ethan lifted a small bag, which Ivy hadn't noticed before, and waved it in front of him. Her nose twitched at the sweet smell of pastries. Her stomach growled as she tried to remember the last time she'd eaten. She knew she'd eaten a quick breakfast before heading to work, but that was... she checked her watch... six hours ago, she realised.

"It's a peace offering after I left you to deal with your family alone last night. I called the hotel and asked what you normally liked for lunch. I thought maybe we could talk." He set the brown paper bag and two coffee cups on the table in front of her.

"Truce for now?" He asked, already taking a seat and smiling at her.

Ivy accepted the offering and grabbed the bag. She laughed in delight when she saw the pain-au-chocolate that was waiting for her. She lifted it to her mouth and inhaled the scent before taking her first bite. The pastry didn't disappoint as she felt gooey chocolate smear on her face.

Ivy placed the pastry down on her desk and hunted around for her box of tissues. She heard a slight cough and looked up at Ethan holding a napkin out to her.

"Thank you." She blushed slightly when he chuckled at her.

Reaching for the plastic cup closest to her, she lifted the lid and prayed she wouldn't find coffee.

"I... ahh... heard that you don't like coffee." He seemed almost embarrassed as he admitted this knowledge to her.

Ivy nodded her head in thanks and sipped her tea as she sat back in her chair. The hot drink ease its way down her throat and her shoulders relaxed a little.

The Business ProposalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora