TIDE | prologue

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Welcome to the novel Tide! I would like to thank you for giving my novel a chance and I hope that you enjoy it. I appreciate all comments and votes that are given and will try my best to respond to all your positive words!

A powerful surge of feeling or trend of events.

I was sitting on the golden sand of Chancier Cove. The minuscule grains of sand were burning my bare tanned legs as a cool breeze rustled my blonde hair. The waves would come crashing up onto the shore, reaching my toes before retreating back into the crystal clear ocean.

Menacing grey clouds were growing and growling overhead as the wind was slowly picking up in intensity. The weather stations were predicting that it was going to storm today but that didn't stop me from coming out the the spot that my best friend and I sat exactly one year ago.

Every year I found myself returning to this spot, waves of memories washing over myself as the wind blew my hair in front of my face.

I found myself being mesmerized by the ocean. Watching the waves roll in, hearing the seagulls sing, and smelling the fresh salty air. It took away all of the worries and misconceptions I had. They all seemed to be taken away just like everything that remained on the beach ended up being swept away by the tide.

I used to love the ocean. I loved splashing around, swimming, or surfing in the cool water that my house backed onto. That was until a tragic accident ruined it all for me...

I remember that day vividly. An image that is burned into my brain for as long as I shall live. No matter the amount of therapy I went through nothing could erase the past.

Crystal, who was my best friend of twelve years and myself had decided to go surfing on a particularly stormy day, we thought nothing of it as quite often the weather stations made the storms out to be a lot worse than they turned out to be.

The beach patrols had warned us about the dangers of going into the ocean but we ignored them because it was perfect conditions to catch a big one. The waves were eight foot plus, when we grabbed our boards and sprinted into the freezing cold water screaming and laughing as we went deeper and deeper into the unknown.

Crystal was right behind me, throwing water at my back as her laughs filled the air. She then hopped onto her board and came paddling up beside me. "You know, a little birdy told me that you were recruited for the Chancier surf team." she said laughing as she paddled past me heading further out from the bay.

"Does that little birdy have a name?" I asked hoping onto my board in an attempt to catch up to her. I dove my hands into the cool water scooping it back with every stroke I made.

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