Chapter 1

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Sitting down on the hard bench of the train car and closing your eyes, you had your first opportunity to take a breath all day. You and the rest of your avalanche team had just destroyed the first mako reactor, and by the grace of God, you all made it out alive. Sweaty and dirty, but alive. Panicked whispers made their way through the car, but you couldn't care less. Your nerves were fried, and the soft lull of the train was tempting you to sleep.

You heard someone sit down beside you, and peeking an eye open, you noticed that it was Biggs. He had sprawled out on the seat just like you, taking deep breaths. A small smile creeped onto your face as you watched him for a moment. Perhaps there was a small chance you had a crush on him.

You closed your eyes again, enjoying the moment of stillness and bliss from your team's victory. You still couldn't believe that you made it out alive. And it was all because of Bigg's impeccable planning. Because he couldn't just be cute, he had to be smart too.

Your momentary bliss was cut short because something felt off. That peaceful feeling you once had was replaced with anxiety. Instinct kicked in quick, and without having to open your eyes you knew what it was: somebody was watching you.

Opening your eyes, you caught sight of a man sitting across from you. His gaze was intent on you, and you looked away quickly as to not let him know you knew. Was he Shinra? Did he know you were the reason the reactor blew up? You glanced back for a second, a second too long. Now he knew that you knew.

"Have you been working out?" He asked, a sinister grin upon his face.

You froze, not knowing how to respond to such a strange question.

"I'd love to make you that sweaty."

Biggs opened his eyes upon hearing that comment, looking for the owner of the voice he had just heard.

"E-Excuse me?" You stuttered, still in shock.

"You heard me, honey. I'd love a piece of that ass."

Looking between you and the man, Biggs felt his blood boil. To say something as vile as that to anyone was sick enough, but hearing it directed towards you hit a nerve he didn't know he had.

"But I know someone who might want you a little more than me. Care to meet him? He's a pretty big deal in Wall Market."

"Leave her alone," Biggs warned, keeping his voice low as to not attract anymore attention.

"Oh, is she your girl or something? Didn't know I was steppin' on another man's territory."

"Territory?" You asked. "Do I look like a belonging to you?"

"You really want me to answer that, sweet cheeks?"

The tension was rising on the train, as many bystanders were now watching the situation unfold. After working with Avalanche for so long, it was scary to have attention brought to you. And now after the bombing, an entire car worth of civilians had their eyes glued to your face. You felt sick with fear and anger, and if he wasn't careful, you would boil over.

"Lets just get out of here, Y/N. I'll take you to the other car," Biggs said calmly. That man could keep composure in any situation, a stark contrast to you.

You nodded to him, biting your tongue to keep a slew of curses from leaving your lips.

"So your name's Y/N, huh? A pretty name for a pretty girl,"

Biggs wrapped an arm around your shoulder, getting up and positioning his body in between you and the man before leading you through the car.

"Well Y/N, I hate to see ya leave but I'm sure enjoying the view."

Creep (FFVII Biggs x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα