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Charlie noted that Astrid's handwriting was out of this world, if he was alone, he would've just sat there and stared at the way she elegantly wrote Andromeda's name. It was phenomenal honestly.

Dear Andromeda,

Hello mother. It feels odd to say, think and write that. I've never had a mother in my life before, Sirius and Remus were all I needed at first. But then I found out I had an aunt named Narcissa and I thought her name was beautiful, for I hated mine. I still do. She had a husband, Lucius, beautiful name, and Draco, my best friend, beautiful name as well. It's odd, isn't it? I'm pretty sure you've heard by now that I'm dead, I don't know how and when I will eventually die but I know I will, just like Ophelia. But the odd thing is that I'm dead and I'm talking about names. It's funny really. But what I really mean to say is that, I forgive you because you're my mother, even if try to deny it, you're my mother.

I'm sorry for not being the same baby when I was still little, according to uncle Remus, I once turned blue and freaked all the kids in the street. I would laugh if it was funny but it's not because it's the reason you gave me away but I forgive you mother. I truly do, and I forgive Ted too. Thank you for giving birth to me and giving me to Sirius and Remus because honestly, it was the best thing that could ever happen to me.

I love you mum.


Charlie neatly folded the letter like it was before. "Andromeda should get this." He said at last. He felt like Andromeda should know the truth. It was too late for Ted, Nymphadora, Remus and the rest who sadly died, but Andromeda deserved to know.

"Let's read Fleur's next." Jack said, opening the letter and the first word he saw was sorry. He didn't know why she was sorry but he read the letter anyway.

Dear Fleur,

Hi. Hey. I don't know how to start this because we're not really friends, and we don't talk. Correction, we never spoke, and we were not friends. As a member of the Order, you'll be the first to know that I'm dead and that's okay.

I'm sorry Fleur. I truly am. I avoided you and Harry, but mostly you, because Cedric died. My best friend died. He's dead, he's fucking dead and there's nothing I, we, can do about it. I'm selfish Fleur, a lot. I hated you because I wanted my best friend back and I want to kill you for it.

I'm sorry Fleur, I'm bloody sorry okay? I just want Cedric back so badly. We had plans for our future you know. We were going to open a Quidditch Bar, where only people who loved Quidditch as much as we do could drink. Oliver would've been the manager, with Cedric being the bartender and I the waitress. We had dreams Fleur and the fucking world took it away and because I'm this selfish piece of crap, I blamed you for it.

I'm so sorry Fleur. Please forgive me. Even if I'm dead, which I most likely am by now. I'm just so sorry.


Charlie gulped. Fleur should also get her letter. He was pretty sure Fleur didn't know that Astrid hated her, for Astrid strayed so far from her but even a Veela couldn't be that dumb. "Snape's next."

Dear Severus,

I hate myself for not thanking you enough for the time you helped me so much during my sixth year. So thank you Severus. We fought a lot, we hated each other but Severus, we both loved someone just as much as the other. Lily Potter. She was my favorite aunt, and the first aunt I had. Your letter isn't long Severus, because I'm sure we're both going to die and no words could ever hide that fact. I'm going to die, like Ophelia Lourdes who jumped off the Astronomy Tower. And you're going to be Benjamin Crane in disguise. You were my third favorite uncle, even though you were never really my uncle. But we Slytherins are family, right? I wish Draco could see it like that.

Stay cool uncle Sev.


Charlie looked up to see Jack had already ripped one open, he didn't know whose it was but judging by the way he tore it open, it must've belonged to someone who died. When he saw the name, Charlie broke down crying.

Dear Nymphadora,

Hey sis. Merlin that sounds so odd to say. I don't know if you truly ever loved me, but if you didn't, then you'll be glad to hear that I'm dead. I'm fucking dead and I'm oddly st peace with the fact that I'm going to meet my end while I'm still so young. Only twenty one and already dead, that's the stuff muggles do. They die young and never grow that old.

Nymphadora, you hate your name just as much as I hate mine. Just be glad you're not stuck with Elladora, the name that belonged to wrinkly old lady who beheaded old house elves. Vile I tell you. Fucking vulgar stuff right there. But I find your name beautiful Nymphadora, it's unique and beautiful and to me, it describes the person bearing it. A strong, powerful, beautiful, intelligent woman.

I loved Charlie, yes, the same Charlie you befriended. I know it's odd but your my sister and sisters can share anything, I can't share shit with Salazar, he's too godamn judgy. Bloody Jack taught him how to say a few vulgar words. The b word and fuck. Talk about vulgarity... Anyway like I was saying, I loved Charlie so much. I would've dumped Oliver right there and then if Charlie ever loved me the way I loved him. It sounds hella cliché, I know. And I love you too.

Please don't tell him because what use would it be if I'm dead already?


"Do you need a glass of water?" Jack had whispered and Charlie swallowed hard before he nodded. What Ron told him wasn't lies after all. Astrid Elladora Black loved him, she truly did and that was enough to send him into another crying episode.

CHARLIE'S CONFESSIONS | C. WEASLEY✓Where stories live. Discover now