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It was bloody unfair. All his friends are dead and the only person who survived was Milay and she was bloody happy, she had a husband, two children and Charlie was sure another one was on the way. His family wasn't any different either. Percy has a wife and a daughter. (Charlie is older than Percy, yet Percy has a bloody wife and a child.) Bill is married and has a daughter, with another one on the way. George, well, he has a girlfriend, at least. Ron and Ginny both have significant others and Charlie has no one. Absolutely no one.

Charlie then did what he never thought he would, he tore the book where he wrote all his confessions, all the things he could never tell the others. And he burnt it. It felt good for a split second before he finally realized what he did and he cried, screamed, cried, put his wand against his head like a gun and dared himself to cast the killing curse. But he never did. For a Gryffindor, Charlie was bloody cowardly.

That's how he found himself two days later in Romania, standing before a Hebridean Black dragon, just staring into its brilliant purple eyes. His mother had tried to stop him but Charlie didn't want to listen. (He just didn't want to hear anything from his mother anymore. He didn't know why he felt like that, but he did.) Bill tried to stop him but still, Charlie didn't want to listen. Instead, he awkwardly said goodbye to his family, for he knew he was never going back. (He didn't care if Voldemort's ghost came back and tried to kill Harry, he was not going back. Ron was right, he should move on, Astrid was never coming back and he should stop beating himself up for it. He wasn't the one who killed her.)

"Charlie, you're back." Charlie allowed a smile to wash over his face when he heard the voice of his co-worker. He turned to face him and he saw him beam, though his blue eyes looked tired and drained. That's when he remembered that Sylvester's entire family had been killed in the battle and by Lord Voldemort himself. Charlie thought he was lucky that he got off easy and only lost his friends, love and brother.

"I'd come back even if I were a ghost." Sylvester chuckled at this and Charlie joined him. "So, any new people or dragons?"

"This is Violet. We have another Hungarian Horn Tail named Hugo." He said, pointing to the purple eyed dragon Charlie had stared at. "And we have two new tamers, one is called Cassiopeia Castula and the other is Niall Benjamin."

"Are they nice?" Charlie asked, knowing fully well that there was a tamer named Jason Pearson, nicknamed JP, and he wasn't nice. He was in fact the most horrible redhead Charlie had ever met in his entire lifetime, Percy excluded for he came to his senses, in a way.

"I'd stay away from Cassiopeia if I were you. The meanest girl ever." Sylvester shook his head. "But it's good to have you back mate, we missed you so much."

Charlie beamed as he readjusted his bag. "It's good to be back mate."


Sylvester was right. Cassiopeia was mean. Actually, if Charlie were to sum her in one word, and use a word Astrid would use, it'd be bitch. She was the biggest bitch he had ever seen. And it wasn't really a shock when he learned that she and JP were dating. But honestly, the biggest shock was when he heard her talking about something he never thought he'd hear from anyone, to be frank.

"How do you know Astrid?" Charlie had asked her, not bothering to say hello, for she was rude and she didn't deserve his greeting.

"My little sister." Cass shrugged, as though everyone knew. "How do you know her?"

"She was my friend." Charlie swallowed hard. It would've been nice to say something like she was my lover. But only Oliver had that privilege.

"Oh." Cass said, before she put down her cup of coffee. "Mum never told me about my other siblings. I learned that I have a sister—"

"Nymphadora Tonks, also my friend, though she preferred Tonks. She hated her name." Charlie gave a small smile. Maybe Cass wasn't a huge bitch after all. She didn't know she had siblings at all.

"Yeah, and that she is dead, just like Astrid." She sighed. "I grew up with total strangers instead of my own parents and I didn't know why until I turned three, it was a full moon that night. Won't ever forget it."

"Why? What happen—"

"Cass! It would be nice if you stop talking to Charlie and start helping me out with Max!" Wanda, another co-worker, yelled out and Cass sighed, tugged at JP and shot Charlie a smile.

Charlie couldn't really concentrate that afternoon. How many children did Andromeda have? Who did Cass grow up with? What was she talking about? Did Astrid know about her? Did Nymphadora know about her? Nymphadora couldn't have possibly known, she never mentioned her. And she didn't know about Astrid. And Astrid couldn't have known about her as well, for she didn't know about Nymphadora or her parents for that matter. It was all confusing really. And Charlie didn't know why he actually cared. Astrid was nothing but a friend, as well as Nymphadora. But then again, he guessed Teddy needed to know the truth about his aunts. (He didn't even know how many were out there. There could be hundreds, okay, not hundreds. That was a slight exaggeration.)

"Whoa Charlie, I think dragons eat from their mouths, not eyes." Sylvester suddenly said, snapping Charlie out from his train of thoughts. Charlie then noticed that he indeed had a hand full of food in front of Dusty's eye. He sighed as he lowered the food and Dusty quickly ate. "What's eating you?"

"Nothing." Charlie shrugged. "Just really tired. Haven't been working for three years, remember?"

"Oh yeah, now I remember." Sylvester laughed and Charlie rolled his eyes at him. "It's only been a week Charlie, yet you're tired. I remember that we had to force you to go sleep because you'd stay up all night and be energetic the following day. You're not tired."

"People change Sylvester, and losing people changes a person, but pretending as though you never loved that person, that fucking changes you more."

Sylvester sighed. "Broken heart huh?"

Charlie smiled at him sadly. "Nothing breaks like a heart."

JP is actually my cat.

CHARLIE'S CONFESSIONS | C. WEASLEY✓Where stories live. Discover now