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Charlie yawned as he skimmed his eyes over the piece he wrote about Nymphadora, he could feel his eyes water and he didn't know was it because he was tired or if he was just crying again. Maybe Ron was right, maybe this book was truly unhealthy for him. Charlie shook his head. What does Ron know? His girlfriend cheated on him right under his nose and yet he wants to give Charlie advice.

"Charlie? Do you think I'm an idiot for giving Harry a second chance?" It was Ginny who asked and Charlie quickly stuffed the book away. He didn't need another sibling to tell him what he was doing was unhealthy. They just wouldn't understand.

"I wouldn't know Gin." Charlie truthfully answered her. He truly wouldn't know. The person he loved died and there was nothing he could've done. Whoever that Death Eater was knew his dark stuff alright. Ginny sighed.

"Of course you wouldn't know." Ginny growled at him and this took Charlie aback. They weren't that close but they still were close. They cried together that day for Merlin's sake! "Have you never loved before Charlie? Or did you have a dragon wife?"

Even though it was amusing, Charlie didn't laugh. "Of course I loved before Gin. But she's gone and I have nothing left to live for. Mum hates me, Percy bloody wrote me off, Bill judges me and Ron too. The only person who accepts me is George, and perhaps you."

"Mum doesn't hate you Charlie. She's just confused at the moment." Ginny sighed, running a hand through her long red hair before she swallowed hard and glanced at Charlie, who refused to meet her eyes.

"Well Gin, it doesn't seem like it." Charlie sighed. "I tried being the good son. Even bloody Merlin in his rotting grave knows that." He shook his head.

"Just—" Ginny sighed, placing her hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Just talk to mum okay? Confess how you truly feel about it? She will listen."

"Thanks Gin." Charlie offered her a weak smile, which Ginny returned and went out the door as Charlie sighed and threw himself back on his bed.

Confess how I feel huh? He thought, feeling his wand dig deep into his side and he threw it next to him. How am I supposed to do that? How am I supposed to know what I even feel? This isn't happiness. This must be sadness then?

Charlie shook his head, before he went in search of his mother.


Molly Weasley looked at her son as she slurped her hot tea. He looked like he had a lot to say, but he looked like he didn't know how to say everything without bursting or exposing how truly alone he felt. Molly sighed, placing her tea on the table before she cleared her throat.

"After what happened to Astrid in our yard Charlie, I don't believe you were ever the same." Molly stated the obvious and Charlie wanted to snort, but he reminded himself that this was his mother. No matter how strained their relationship was, he still couldn't disrespect her. She brought him to this world, where he fell in love with dragons and eventually a beautiful woman.

"Of course I'd never be the same again mother." Charlie saw his mother flinch. When Percy still thought the Ministry highly, he addressed her in a cold mother and their father in an even colder father. Charlie hoped that it didn't bring bad memories back to her.

"Tell me what's eating you inside my lovely. I am your mum, and no matter what you say, I'd still love you."

"Truly truly?" Molly nodded when Charlie asked and he then sighed. "Then please kill me mother. That will be the only way to join my best mate and the love of my life. Please. Ginny told me to confess how I feel mother, this is it." Charlie sobbed, his voice cracking and Molly moved to comfort him. "I want to die because somehow, everyone is blaming me for almost everything. I didn't know that Astrid was going to die, I didn't know Leo was already dead at the time, I didn't know arriving a little late to the Battle Of Hogwarts would mean that one of my brothers would die."

"No one blames you lovely." Molly whispered to him and Charlie shook his head, tears pouring down his cheeks. "It's been three years lovely. You should learn to let go." Molly sighed. "Astrid was a special little girl you know. I remember one day I went to their house, in hopes of finding Mia there. It was only her in the house. You know what she told me? She told me that crying all day won't help me, that I'm only going to have a sore throat in the end. She was wise for her age."

"I can't let go mum. Why doesn't anyone understand that?" Charlie asked, sobbing as he did. "Why can't anyone see that she's in the past? Hence why I should be stuck in the past as well. It's the only place she'll ever be."

"Look at me Charles Weasley." Molly demanded and Charlie had no choice but to look at his mother, who wasn't fuming. "You are not going to cling unto the past young man. Astrid might be gone, but she lives forever on in our hearts and memories Charlie, but that doesn't mean we should stick unto the past. Learn to let go."

"This isn't easy mum. I can't let go. I just can't." Charlie shook his head. "I can't let go, I can't forget her, she's everything I ever wanted. But she's gone, that's why I want to remember her, forever and ever." He shook his head before he stood up. "I need to clear my head. I'll be in Diagon Alley." He muttered, feeling like a fool. For he cried in front of his mother. He was supposed to be strong, but here he was, crying like a weak, little lion. Molly only gave him a sad look as he got whipped away in a puff of smoke.

CHARLIE'S CONFESSIONS | C. WEASLEY✓Where stories live. Discover now