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Get out the house.

It's been years.

Get a job.

Stop writing in that book of yours.

Heal Charlie.

Stop moping about.

She's never coming back.

Be happy we lost only one brother.

Just be the old Charlie okay?

That's all what Ron told Charlie one day, when he had gotten angry when Charlie had wrote about Milay in his book. Truth was, Charlie missed Milay. She had entered their circle of friends late, but she still managed to creep into their hearts. (Leo's, the most. Just thinking about Leo was bloody painful. And the fact that Jack killed him and didn't even feel sorry about it, just hurt. Leo wasn't one of the best people to live, but he was his best friend.)

Charlie buttoned up his shirt before he shrugged a jacket on, as he promised Ron he'd get a job. Thankfully, he didn't have to look far, for his family own a joke shop in Diagon Alley. He then bent down to tie his shoes, then remembered that he had magic to do that for him, so he waved his wand and he examined his laces before he started his way downstairs.

"Charlie, are you going out?" His mother asked and Charlie sighed. He thought she'd be with Fleur and Bill at the Shell Cottage. Ever since the war, he and his mother weren't as close anymore. Charlie thought she would've danced at the fact that he finally let dragons go. (The only things that understood him. Dragons were different than people, they listened, they obeyed. Whereas a person could stab you in the heart while telling you that they love you.)

"I'm going down to the shop, I promised George I'd help him out today." Charlie replied, hearing the creaking that indicated that his mother was making her way to him.

"Isn't Verity there to help?" Molly asked, coming into view and Charlie instinctively took a step back. (Yes, their relationship was that strained. Even though Molly didn't say it, she blamed him for a lot of things. For a lot of deaths and he didn't know why.)

"I thought you heard, she's on maternity leave." Charlie told her and Molly nodded, understanding. "I really need to go. Wouldn't want to keep George waiting." Charlie muttered, grabbing a handful of Floo powder and didn't even wait for her to reply. "Diagon Alley!"


Charlie was stacking the dung bombs on the shelves when he thought he heard a familiar voice. He slowly made his way around the shelf and peaked. Sure enough, there stood Milay Hexhaven, dressed in blue jeans with a pearly top, which the little girl tried to loosen the pearls.

"Honestly Quinton, you're only six, why do you need these?" Milay asked, bending down to examine the product in his hands. "Nadia honey, you'll ruin my top, please stop."

"Milay?" Charlie asked and Milay stood up, her eyes slightly widening when she noticed who it was and then a broad grin spread across her face. "Wow, you look good."

"Thanks Charlie." Milay giggled. "It's really you, ain't it?" Charlie eagerly nodded, happy that he so happened to bumped into one of his old friends the day that he decided to help his brother with the shop. "Wow, it's been really long. This is Quinton and Nadia. How's Leo doing?"

Charlie swallowed hard. She didn't know about Leo. "He's —uh—"

"There you are!" A man suddenly yelled out. No, Charlie knew this man. Marcus Flint. How did he manage to marry Milay? "Charles Weasley, fancy seeing you here."

"Well, my family owns the store." Charlie answered him, crossing his arms over his chest. "It makes sense why I would be here."

Marcus rolled his eyes at him. "Quinton, do you have everything you need?"

"No, I can't find the fake wands." The boy whined, stuffing the things he could find in his father's hands before he looked at Charlie. "Can you please help me sir?"

Charlie smiled at him. "I'd be honored to. Please call me Charlie and because your mum is a friend, I'll give you the wand on the house."

"Merlin Charlie, no! Won't your brother be angry?" Milay asked, clearly worried and Charlie sent her a smile.

"He won't, trust me." He shrugged. "Now follow me if you may." Charlie turned around and started walking down a different aisle. "That's the Canary Creams and that's the Extendable Ears."

"Oh, I need one of those, please mummy! I won't use it on you or daddy! Please, pretty please! I promise I'll use it on Nadia only! Please!" Charlie chuckled and Milay sighed.

"This, is what I get for naming my son after my brother." She shook her head. "Fine, you can have it but you have to promise not to use it on your sister."

Quinton grumbled something but grabbed the Extendable Ear anyway. When Milay wasn't looking, he quickly grabbed two more and Charlie smiled.

"You were saying about Leo?" Milay asked, examing a Pygmy Puff and Nadia immediately wanted one. Milay had no choice but to agree, for she started crying.

"So you know Sirius Black?" Milay nodded. "Well, you know he had a daughter right?" Milay nodded again.

"Astrid, right?" Marcus asked and Charlie hummed in agreement. "Never liked her that much. Good Chaser, but she was friends with the wrong lot."

"Leo had everyone fooled that he was part of the Order, whereas he was a Death Eater. He tried to kill Astrid and Astrid's friend, Jack, killed him."

Milay gasped in shock, nearly dropping Nadia, who was busy giggling at the Pygmy Puff. "That's —when?"

"A year before the war ended." Charlie replied. He didn't like talking about this. "Milay, I have something to tell you."

"Yes?" Milay asked, tears shining in her eyes.

"I —uh— nevermind. Here's the wands." Charlie smiled down at Quinton, who beamed when he saw the wands.

"How many can I take?" Quinton asked, eyes wide as he looked at the wands.

"I would say take as many as you like, but I wouldn't want my brother to strangle me." Charlie chuckled, shaking his head. "But, I'm not completely a monster, so you can take two." He handed Quinton two wands and Quinton smiled again. "Keep on pranking little mate."

"Will do Charlie." Quinton beamed at him and Charlie chuckled again. He knew then that he had to thank Ron later on for forcing him to come help at the shop.

CHARLIE'S CONFESSIONS | C. WEASLEY✓Where stories live. Discover now