𝟐.𝟐 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼

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Dear aunt Cissy,

I love you and I'm sorry for running away from you guys. I had a chance to find out who my real parents were from Sirius and I took that chance and I hurt you and uncle Lucius and Draco in the process and Merlin knows how bloody sorry I am. Aunt Cissy, if you get this letter, then that means I'm dead. I'm dead and it's alright. It's better this way. You don't have to worry about me, the same goes for uncle Lucius and Draco.

I'm sorry and I love you aunt Cissy.


Jack never left Charlie, even when the sky had turned dark. Jack had another letter in his hands but Charlie couldn't see who it was addressed to. Maybe someone dead again. They then decided to not take breaks anymore, they would read the letters faster that way. They had counted the letters, seventeen in total and they only had read six of them.

Dear uncle Lucius,

I messed up. Big time. You remember telling me to never fall in love with someone I can't actually have, well, I've done it and just like you said, it bloody hurts. Voldemort was right to want to eliminate love, but that doesn't mean he was right to want to murder Harry every single year since he was eleven. That's just messed up.

Uncle Lucius, I'm sorry. I messed up and I ran away and I'm dead and I'm sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen, never asked to be born but here I am, dead.

I always thought I'd welcome death with open arms, for everyone dies in the end. We all are but mere specks of dust stuck in a world where we don't belong. But I'm scared uncle Lucius. I'm going to die and I'm terrified. I'm so scared uncle Lucius and I wish you were here.

I'm so sorry uncle Lucius.


That was seven and Charlie reached for another.

Dear Draco,

Hi Draco. You're not going to read this and I'm oddly fine with that. You were right, all my letters in the past have all been about how I haven't spent time with Sirius. I was selfish for leaving Draco, I should've stayed with you guys even after learning that Sirius escaped. I blame myself for the attack on aunt Cissy and I blame myself for the Dark Lord forcing you to become a Death Eater. But it's all too late now Draco because I'm dead.

Remember that time I told you what if my parents were actually muggles? And you told me that no matter what state my blood was, that we'd be forever family?

But what use is it now? I found out I'm a halfblood and you ignored me even after you promised me. Sure I was thirteen and you were like nine at the time but I trusted you, I believed you. I don't know what to say anymore Draco. I've apologized for all the wrong things I've done to you.

Remember when I used to comb your hair before bed because that's what big sisters do, you said. Remember when I used to tuck into bed? Because it's what big sisters do, you said.

Hold onto those memories Draco, never forget them. For that's the only place I'll be from now on.


Eight and Charlie reached for another. He intended to send these letters out, of course to those who till live. The ones for the dead could stay with him.

Dear Charlie,


I didn't how to start this so I asked uncle Remus, of course I said it was for Oliver but he eventually noticed it wasn't when he saw your name but he helped me anyway. Uncle Remus is one of those suckers for romance, though they're blind to love standing right before them.

Uncle Remus said I should start by saying why I haven't already told you how I felt. Truth is, I was scared. That and I took advice from an ancient portrait. Trust me, it wasn't good advice at all.

He then said I should follow up by saying why I'm doing it now. I'm going to keep it real with you Charlie. I'm going to die and there won't be any way to stop my death but I've made peace with it. At least I tell myself that I have. I'm scared Charlie.

I love you and you're never going to know because I'll be dead. I'm sorry Charlie.


Nine. Charlie neatly folded the letter and placed it in his pocket. He's going to read the letter again later tonight until he dies, he just knew that.

Dear Jack,

This is entirely bonkers man. I met you a bloody year ago but you're like the third best friend I ever had in my life. Thank you for that Jack.

Happy belated birthday by the way, since we couldn't celebrate it due to Leo trying to kill me and you killing him.

Jack, take care of yourself and please take good care of Salazar, he's my precious little baby.

I love you Jack, through and through darling.


Ten. Charlie handed Jack the letter. "You killed Leo?" He asked. That would explain why he left Colette just like that. Leo was vile at times but leaving Colette wasn't on his list.

"He wanted to murder Astrid." Was all Jack said before he ripped another letter open.

Dear Harry,

It must be bloody weird right, me sending you a letter but don't worry because it's short. I just wanted to thank you for sharing Lily and James. They were amazing people. Stay strong, stay safe Harry.



Dear Ginny,

Thank you for being the amazing you and thank you for the amazing amulet, it means a lot to me. Stay cool.



Dear Ron,

We should get some chicken some time before I die hey. Thank you for the amulet, I'll be sure to wear it when I die. Hopefully I can take it into the second life with me, if not, then you can have it back, as a reminder that I once lived and that we were pigs together and that we pissed Percy off every time we ate. Keep on eating Ronikins.



Dear Hermione,

I could merge Merlin, Rowena Ravenclaw and McGonagall together and they still will never be as smart and bright and beautiful, might I add, as you. Thank you for everything you have done for me Mione. I love you, you weirdo. Stay geeky and nerdy, for me love.


"We're nearly done." Jack had commented and Charlie nodded.

"I'm going down for a snack."

CHARLIE'S CONFESSIONS | C. WEASLEY✓Where stories live. Discover now