Part 1-Friends

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Steve and Bucky had been friends since they were kids and ever since it was just the two of them. That was before college, before HER. Natasha Romanoff the beautiful but smart law student that had almost all her classes with Steve. The moment Natasha sat next to Steve he was mesmerized from her striking emerald eyes to her fiery red hair. A week had gone by before Steve finally got the urge to talk to her and surprisingly the words just flew out of them and they became instant friends, something Steve has never experienced with anybody before not even Bucky. Bucky realized why his pal had been so eager to go to his classes lately and knowing that Steve would never make a move he interrupted Steve and Natasha's chat as they were walking out of their class.

"Hey there beautiful" Bucky said flashing Natasha a charming smile. Natasha just rolled her eyes and said "Not interested" before turning to Steve and saying "Do you wanna go to the cafe down the street to study?" Steve just nodded dumbly shocked that a girl actually turned down Bucky and followed Natasha who was already walking away. When they reached the cafe Steve asked Natasha what she wanted and ordered for them paying like the gentleman he was. "That guy back there he's actually my best friend and I just wanted to say sorry Bucky's just always been a flirt" Steve said feeling bad about the situation. "It's ok I'm used to it and it's not you who should be apologizing anyways" Nat said with a smile. "I actually wanted to ask you something earlier before we were interrupted" Steve said a bit sheepishly.

"What is it?" Nat asked. "Well a friend of ours is throwing a party tomorrow night and I wanted to ask if you'd go with me?" Steve asked a bit scared of her answer. But before Natasha could answer her phone rang she said a quick "Sorry" before answering the phone. "Hey Clint" "Just studying with a friend" "No" "Ok bye I'll see you tonight" was all Steve could hear. "Sorry about that" Nat said. "It's fine I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to a party with me as a friend of course" Steve said now knowing that Natasha had a boyfriend. "Sure I'm always down for a party" Nat answered. They stayed at the cafe for a couple more minutes before Nat said she had to go. Steve walked her to the outside of her dorm building and hugged her goodbye feeling a bit sad that once again the girl didn't chose him but happy that he could at least be friends with Natasha. 

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