Part 2-Getting Ready

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The next day Steve had spent all afternoon getting ready for the party. He felt a bit bad for trying to impress a taken girl but there was just something about Natasha that made him drawn to her. Steve had texted Natasha that he would pick her up but Nat said she already had a ride. Steve thought that Nat was going to go with her boyfriend but he couldn't blame her, he told her that they were just going as friends. Once Steve arrived at the party he tried to look for Natasha but seeing that she was not there yet he went over to Bucky instead.

S: "Hey Buck"

B: "Hey Punk where's your hot date?"

S: "She's not my date Buck, she has a boyfriend"

B: "I can tell you right now Punk you are a thousand times better than that douche"

S: "You've never even met the guy Buck"

B: "But I've met you and you're the best person I've ever met besides me of course"

Their conversation was interrupted by someone tapping on a mic. It was none other than Tony Stark.

T: "Ladies and Gentlemen just a quick announcement before we officially get drunk of our asses. And the announcement is there are no rules except for going into yours truly's bedroom unless you're up for one of the best nights of your life. Ok that's it everyone get drunk!"

Steve couldn't help but to shake his head at his friend's antics. Steve was looking around the room when he spotted a familiar head of red hair. Steve quickly made his way to Natasha and when he got there...

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