Part 7-Secret Relationship?

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Later that after afternoon. Steve and Nat are laying together in bed.

S: "Nat?"

N: "Yeah?"

S: "You love me right?"

N: "Yes more than I've loved any man before"

S: "Well with that being said, will you go on a date with me?"

"I'd love to" Nat said before kissing him.

N: "Are we going to tell our friends?"

S: "It's up to you, I don't want to do anything you're uncomfortable with"

N: "Well I don't want to do a whole Tony Stark type of thing but I don't want to keep it from them either"

S: "How bout we just don't hide it and let them figure it out for themselves?"

"Hmmm I get to kiss my handsome boyfriend while teasing my friends? Sounds absolutely fine to me" Nat said before kissing him again.

 After some more kissing Steve and Natasha finally got out of bed. "You want to go grab a bite to eat?" Steve asked. "Sure but I have to get changed first but the keys to my dorm is still at Stark's house" Natasha said. "Well you can borrow one of my shirts and sweatpants to grab your bag from Stark's" Steve replied causing Natasha to raise an eyebrow at him. "So you want to go to Stark's house the day after we went home together with me wearing your clothes?" Natasha asked with a chuckle. "Well you said we wouldn't hide our relationship so yeah why not" Steve replied hugging her.

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