Part 9-Date?!

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N: "Not that it's any of your business but we were gonna go get lunch"

T: "Just the two of you?"

Nat rolls her eyes: "Yes"

T: "Are you guys going on a date?!"

S: "No we're not and we're leaving now because I'm hungry"

Once they were outside of Tony's house Steve spoke up, "Where do you wanna go?" "I'm really craving milkshakes and a burger" Natasha said.

"I know the perfect place" Steve said leading Natasha to the car.

N: "When did you get so good at lying?"

Steve chuckles: "I'm still a pretty bad liar even with all the time I spend with you and the guys"

N: "Well you seemed pretty convincing when you told Tony we weren't going on a date"

S: "Because I wasn't lying. This isn't a date you'll know when I take you on an actual date"

N: "Wow, confident are we?"

S: "I've been imagining this date for a while so yes"

N: "A while huh? How long?"

Steve blushing: "Ever since you sat next to me in our Economics class"

N: "You've like me for that long?"

S: "Yeah"

N: "Me too, that's why I sat next to you"

The rest of the car ride was filled with comforatable silence.  

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