Çhapter [2]

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Unknown POV
Its been five years since i saw master Darkos or as the humans call him Drake. I would never call master by that human name. "Riiiiiiiing", "Riiiiing", "Hello? Who is this? How do you know about that? Who is this? Hello? ". I can't believe master is going to a human school why can't he just go to the elemental school for mystical powers like a normal person? I guess that would be because he doesn't know about his powers but I will watch over him so She wont get to him first. Well let's put that aside first I have to look for a suitable human name and a face. No one can see my real face.........

Natasha's POV:
I am currently in class when I feel something is not right. I start shifting uncomfortably in my chair when they walk in with the teacher. "Class we have two new students joining us today" She turns to them "Would you please introduce yourselves" the first one starts "Hi everyone my name is Asher, you can call me Ash for short.......but that would sound Like a girl's name so you can just call me Asher. I'm 19 years old and I moved here from L.A" "That's great Asher, the next student please introduce yourself"I notice the second guy gives off a dangerous vibe even though he covers it well with his charming smile.......I'm sure the girls are swooning. "Hi my name is Drake I'm 20 years old". Even the freaking teacher's affected!!! "O-okay you two can sit at the table behind Natasha and Amy" I ignore Amy's squeal as I study both guys my whole body screams danger so I make up my mind to stay away from these two guys. "Excuse me miss may I use the restroom?" I need some fresh air I feel so uncomfortable "Okay but hurry back" I quickly leave the class and proceed to my safe spot behind the school once I am sure no one is looking I take off my wig and contacts. Suddenly I hear a growl and my instincts tell me I am no longer safe so I quickly put on my wig and contacts and rush back to class.Time for a meal......
Oh god Amy has been going on and on for about an hour now what do I do to stop her "Amy can you just.....Omph!!" Now who did I bump into I'm so clumsy. Oh no its that new boy from class....everyone is watching I have to act angry "Watch where you are going you fool" Oh no he was about to apologize "Sorry???" And now he is angry.... Better not draw more attention to my self. I put on a scowl and walk away with Amy hot on my trail. I know I'll get questions later, Nata prepare yourself.
         Finally school is over and I managed to avoid both Drake and Amy. Now where is my baby my red Porsche I got it for Christmas from my aunt after much convincing that I was old enough to own a car even though I almost drove hers into an hedge. You can't blame me I was a reckless person back when I did not know of my powers but now after so much I have managed not to burn Amy alive and also the history teacher. Well enough about me, time for my best time of the day To elementary school!!!
The name might sound weird but I still like it at least I get to be my self somewhere without the wigs and the contacts and hiding my powers........ 

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