Çhapter [3]

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The Plague POV
Finally after all these years they are ready for my destruction again. This time I won't fail in my mission all Earthlings will be gone and I will create my own kind again. The time for the darklings have come and finally I will meet her again after all these years finally..........

Drake POV
Who does she think she is how dare she call me a fool I can't believe this and to think I actually thought she was a nice person........ I suddenly feel a chill in the air "Massssster" "Who said that??" "Why is it so cold" "Darkosssss" "Who is there" "Co-m-e" Suddenly something hits my head and I black out the last thing I hear is "Come home".
"Dray play with me" What? Why am I here again why am I seeing this "Dray I'm bored play with me" No, no why is this happening. I notice past me is getting angry again "I can't play right now I am busy chris" "Draaaay play with me" No get away from him Chris he'll kill you get away from him!!! Why can't he hear me? "Draay play with me" No no no no no no he slams him on the wall "Chris!!!" I rush to him "Please be okay please be okay" I put my head on his chest..... No heartbeat. Suddenly I am filled with anger and I turn to past me "Why!!!" "Why did you do that" "Why!!!" I dont think he can hear me .I go back to Chris "I'm so sorry I'm sorry" "Drake!!!" Oh no my parents are coming "Drake!!!" I have to get away "Drake" have to hide "Drake!!!". "Drake hey dude wake up" That doesn't sound like mom or dad "Asher?" "Hey are you okay Drake?" "I saw you lying by the pavement and I thought something happened to you but you looked like you were sleeping but then you started shouting so I thought something was wrong and"..... "I'm fine Asher you don't have to worry I was just feeling a little bit dizzy and I fell and hit my head" "Oh okay I guess I'll get going now if you need any help call me okay bye" I had to lie since I don't even know what happened to me yet I think I imagined all that. I feel the air chill again but I will not be a victim a second time, so I pick my bag and walk quickly away from the haunting place. Finally home sweet home. Something feels wrong "Ma, I'm home!", "Ma?" "Ma?" I enter the house "Jo?" "Jo!!" "Jo where are you?" I begin to panic as I call my younger sibling Josie. I found her when I was 15 a week after I left home, she was wrapped up neatly in a basket and beside a waste bin and at that moment she reminded me of Chris so I took her and together we came across MA's house and she seeing the baby kindly took us in. Since then they have always been family to me. "Here I'm here what do you need dray" I look at my cute little grey eyed sister and smile as she calls me dray "Where is MA?" I ask her "I don't know she told me to go to my room when some people came to our house" I wonder who they were and where MA is "Who were these people did you see their faces Jo?" "No I don't know who they are and they were wearing a funny thing on their head" she scratches her head. A habit she developed when she is thinking "Oh okay have you eaten?" "Yes but I still want a cookie please " she smiles flashing her perfect teeth with two missing at the front, I smiled back, she was cute "Okay but just one so we can both eat some this night" "Thanks dray" she rushed to the kitchen. I notice a white paper on the table and pick it up there is some kind of note in it it says "COME HOME" guess I did not imagine what happened earlier today.......

 I notice a white paper on the table and pick it up there is some kind of note in it it says "COME HOME" guess I did not imagine what happened earlier today

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