Çhapter [8]

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"Masssster"He stirred "Master wake up"he turned again "Wake up master!!"At this Darkos shot up suddenly from the bed  "Who is that? Where are you?" He wondered widely "Its me master" "You who?" He looked around the room and then he heard the voice laugh. It was a tingly laugh that sent chills down your back. And not the good kind of chills. "I'm in your head master,those council members blew up my last form" The voice sounded irritated when it said that last part. It was at that moment that Darkos realised three things. First he realised that it was the skeleton that pushed him down the hole that was talking to him. Secondly was talking in his mind to that skeleton and third most importantly, he did not know where he was or why he ended up in this place. He was suddenly angry as he remembered what led him here in the first place. "How dare you push me into a whirlpool, I could have died...." His ranting was cut short by the voice "You WOULD have died if I left you in the forest with those people master" He was about to protest further when he turned towards the door and came face to face with a little girl with long brown hair and huge brown eyes staring at him with her mouth open it looked like there was something in her mouth. Darkos sensing that the girl was afraid started to say something to reassure her "H-hi, wh.." He was cut off by the loud continuous scream that came from the girl's mouth and he immediately put his hand over his ears wondering why the girl's void was so loud. When he looked up again the screaming had stopped and beside the girl was a light skinned woman with the same brown hair. The woman was scolding the girl at the moment "Erie I told you not to run off when eating and why were you screaming so loudly?"The girl finally spoke and her voice was surprisingly very small. "Momma who is this?" She pointed at Darkos and Darkos observed that there was food in the girls mouth so what she said came out as "Mobba bu ish wish?" The woman seemed to understand though because she looked at Darkos then back to the girl and said "Go to your room Erie I'll give you some chocolates after" The girl did not seem to notice the change in conversation though. Her face lit up at the mention of chocolates and she scurried out of the room. Then the woman turned to face Darkos from where she was standing and asked "Who are you?, I saw you by the side of the road and you looked hurt so I brought you home but who are you?" Darkos was not sure he could trust anyone after his mother and Echo's death so he decided to just settle with a simple lie "I don't remember.
I gave you an update now give me your lives.........Just kidding😀😀All I need are your precious precious votes and comments I would really appreciate it so until next time.

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