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Emily = italics

lizzie's POV

I howled at the moon, joining in with my mum and grandfather.

Grandpa turned towards my brother and his friends.

I still couldn't bark very well so I sort of barked. At least it got his attention. I ran towards the forest leading my not in control family away.

Thanks Lizzie, I owe you.

Fine, You owe me more chocolate.

I'll eat the chocolate. If I eat, technically you eat too.

Sure whatever.

We ran for a long time. I was getting exhausted. I stopped for a while. It started to feel cold. Dementors.

Harry please be somewhere safe with Sirius and dad.

"Go ahead I'll catch up later." I barked like a real wolf for once.

Mum and grandpa went on. I ran after the Dementors.

They were going to the lake! Harry is there! So is dad and Sirius!

Only Harry has a wand! Harry please do something smart and give the wand to dad or Sirius!

Oh great.

Now I have let Em take over.

Sad life.

I'll give you chocolate.


(Emily : Normal
Lizzie  : Italics)

"Expecto Patronum!" I cried desperately hoping I could hold of that many dementors.

"Emily?" Harry questioned.

Granger looked annoyed again.

"Just cast your patronus! I can't hold off that many for too long!" I begged.

Both of us drove the dementors away, but I knew I overused my magic. Before I knew it, I fell down blacking out completely.

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