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Viktor shot up from the nightmare he just had. Cold sweats broke down from his forehead and he started to feel a weird feeling settling inside his stomach. His eyes darted around his dark room and his heart started to thump when he didn’t see Alexei.

On impulse, he rose up and ran downstairs only to see the figure of his younger brother with his back turned on him. He was standing in front of the couch and was holding something that made Viktor hide behind the wall.

Alexei was holding a dagger.

Viktor didn’t know how to react so instead, he planted himself from where he stood and observed his younger brother. Goose bumps appeared from his arms and he swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. He didn’t know why but he felt scared. Scared of someone he loves and cares for the most.

He watches as Alexei brought the dagger high up in the air and took it down in one swift move, piercing the cushions that are settling on the couch. He did this movements repeatedly and only stopped when he realizes what he was doing. He dropped the knife and sat on the floor, curling up into a ball.

Viktor had the urge to move out from his hiding place and wrap his hands around Alexei but he couldn’t move. His body tells him not to. He wouldn’t admit it but he knows deep inside that he’s terrified of what he just witnessed.

He silently went back to his room and that night, he made sure he locked it.

“My boss needs an employee Viktor, maybe you should take this opportunity.” Gavriil said as he sips on his warm cup of tea. “Uncle Ivan would sure like to hear that his son is going to have a job.”

Viktor shrugs as he rubs his palms on his tired eyes.

“You look terrible, have you gotten enough sleep?” Gavriil asked while wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck. “You have bags under your eyes.”

Viktor grunted in annoyance and folded his arms across his chest. “No,” He answered shortly, flashing a look to his younger brother who is currently sitting on the couch, staring at the open window. “I haven’t slept well for how many days.”

It was true. After the first time he discovered Alexei doing the odd stuff, it continued for another week or two. He’s been observing his younger brother stabbing the cushions every midnight for what seems like forever.

“What happened to the couch?” Gavriil once again inquired. He had heard the same question from his parents everyday. “Why is it wrecked?”

“The cat did it.” He replied shortly, same to his parents after they asked him the question. “I fed a stray cat and now it visits us every night.”

“Oh, I see.” Gavriil’s eyes landed on Alexei for a moment before it returned back to Viktor. “He seems weird.” He noted.

“What are you trying to imply, Gavriil?”

“He still acts like human, right?”

The shattering sound of cup emerges from below Viktor as he grabs Gavriil’s collar. “Are you trying to say that my brother is an animal?!” He screamed in his face.

Gavriil pushed his hands off and regained his composure. “I didn’t say anything like that, Viktor.” He retorted angrily. “You just assumed that yourself.”

Viktor just glared at him.

“Look, I don’t want to bring this childish topic up but have you ever remembered the folklore our grandma always tells us?” Gavriil said.

The guy in front of him just scoffed.

Temnayafigura or the dark figure, whatever you prefer from the two.” He spoke. “Isn’t he acting like he just got attacked by one?”

This time, Viktor wasn’t able to suppress his anger. He took Gavriil by the arm and dragged him outside the door, throwing him out onto the snow like he wasn’t his relative.

“Hear this,” He threatened to the sitting guy before him. “My brother is fine, just traumatized. Don’t you dare say that he was replaced by some kind of demon!” And with that, he slammed the door close, putting a space between him and his older cousin.

But even though he hated Gavriil at the moment, he considered what he said.

Was Alexei replaced by some evil spirit? 

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