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"Tell me everything, Viktor." The man in front of him said.

"You need nothing to know about me." Viktor spat, losing his little composure. He wanted to strangle the man in front of him but he couldn't. The shackles fastened on his wrists wouldn't allow him to.

"I would like to help you."

"I need no help!" He screamed again while glaring daggers at the therapist. "I am not a crazy individual, I do not belong here!"

"Nobody said you are, Viktor." The doctor said again, but this time, a little harsher. "You are here because you needed someone to understand you."

"Ha!" He scoffed and laughed bitterly. "I suppose you're gonna tell me that every little thing isn't true, right?"

He remained silent and this pissed Viktor even more.

"You wanted to know everything, da?!" He screeched after a long while. The man just nodded.

"Enlighten me first." Viktor demanded with a smirk visible on his face. "Tell me why I was at the hospital the other day and I'll tell you everything."

"Nobody told you about what happened to you?" The doctor asked in disbelief.


"I suppose that is not a fair deal, my friend." The man in white suddenly said. "Tell me about you first."

The smirk on Victor's face was suddenly replaced by a scowl. "Bullcrap."

"Well in that case, you figure yourself why you were at the hos-"

"I'll tell you bullcrap." Viktor cuts him off. "Sit your arse down and I'll tell you everything."

The doctor did what he ordered him to.

"It all started when my younger brother Alexei  didn't return home after his school day. I have told him a thousand times to get home before dark but he was completely an arsehat. He never listened to me."

He took a deep breath and continued.

"One week had past yet he was still gone. I have looked for him everyday, I've been returning to the kabina a countless times for updates but still, there wasn't any. The constables told me a billion times to give up but I didn't. I couldn't."

He suppressed the tears that were trying to make their way out from his eyes.

"A thought struck me one day, it was about his favourite tale. Do you know what was it?" Viktor asked the man in front of him and he shook his head.

"It was the Temnayafigura. I didn't know why he liked it, it was unsettling."

"The dark figure that comes during winter to hunt boys down and replace their souls with demons?" The doctor asked and Viktor laughed boisterously.

"Da. I use to believe that it was a complete hoax but after what happened to him, one thing came into my mind." He paused to shift from his seat. "It was all true."

The jaws of the doctor tightens as he watched Viktor loudly cursed the air.

"The figure took my brother's soul! He became a strange teen!" He shouted, the shackles in his hands shaking furiously. "He became a cannibal!"

By now, Viktor was kicking everything his feet could land on. "Alexei devoured my mama and papa! The demon inside him tricked me!"

The therapist called several guards to calm him down and the doctor from the previous day appeared. He asked him if he needed a syringe to make the boy sleep for a while but the psychoanalyst denied his offer.

"I need to talk to him. Perhaps there's something that could numb his body and make him listen to me, then I will take it."

The doctor retrieved something from his bag and a new syringe came into view. The guards held Viktor tightly as he plunged the needle in his neck. After several minutes of silence, everyone went out and the two were left alone again.

"Sorry I have to do that." The therapist said as he circled Viktor from his seat. "You might not be able to handle the truth and go wild."

Viktor couldn't do anything but follow him with his eyes.

"First of all, I would like you to know that my name is Gavriil, Gavriil Malenkov. The son of Ben Malenkov." He stopped his movements and he sat in front of Viktor again. "You have a very vast mind, Viktor. A very interesting one, I might add."

Viktor just stared. If eyes could kill, then Gavriil would be a dead loaf right now.

"Everything you said was not true." He paused. "It was the creation of your putty little mind."

What do you mean?! Viktor wanted to scream but his tongue would not shift.

"Let me tell you the truth." Gavriil held his excitement inside, he couldn't wait to tell him everything. "You never had a brother."

Viktor's eyes watered and if he could talk right now, he would be screaming at his face that he had one. He would be clawing at him and he would kill him.

"You are schizophrenic, my dear." Gavriil cooed. "You had schizophrenia since you were young."

Viktor failed at holding back his tears. He looks pathetic even to his own point of view. Everything around him was a mess, he was completely confuse. He couldn't trust anything.

"You never left the house ever since you were born. You are an unhealthy kid, always having bad coughs and terrible chest pains. You never met any other individual except your parents, Viktor. Those constable of yours are practical jokes."

Gavriil rose up from his seat and dialed the number of Viktor's parents. The numb lad in front of him needs to go home before the effect of the certain drug wears out.

"And oh, before I forget our deal." Gavriil cupped the speaker of the telephone as he reverted his eyes back to Viktor. "You were at the hospital because they found you conk out on a snowy pavement. You must have knocked yourself out real hard that you were put under comatose."

Viktor's teary eyes demanded something and Gavriil easily distinguish what it was.

"Happy 26th birthday, lad." He said with a bright cheery smile that was somehow fake. "You've been sleeping for four years now." 

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