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“Is he gonna be okay?”

“I’m not quite sure…”

“What do you mean you’re not quite sure?” There was a long uncomfortable pause. “You’re a medic, for goodness gracious!”

“I’m sorry but I couldn’t-”


“Ma,” Viktor’s eyes fluttered open and a terrible cough instantly escaped his pale lips. His vision was blurry but he could tell that it was her mother whom the medic was talking to.

He tried to sit up but pain hit his head like a swinging bat.

“Don’t bother to sit up, son.” The gruff voice of his father came and he snapped his head to the side.

“P-papa?” He stuttered, disbelief plastered in his voice.

How could this happen? They were dead. He saw it with his own two eyes.

Alexei had murdered and feast on them.

His vision slowly returned and when it finally did, he forced himself to sit up. It wasn’t as easy as what he thought it would be but at least he was trying.

“Calm down, Viktor.”  His mama stated, voice coated with thick concern. “You’re still sick.”

“I am not!” He retorted angrily, his face shows confusion and hurt. He swore to God that if this is a damn trick from hell, he would snap and murder everyone surrounding him.

“Calm down, Mr. Braginski.” The doctor said.

“Calm my arse!” He screamed at his face. “Where is Alexei mama, where is he?!”

His mother and father shared a look of confusion with each other before whispering something to the doctor’s ear.

“Where is Alexei, mama?!” He yelled once again, forcing his self to rise to his feet. “Goddamn it!”  

“Calm down, Viktor!” His father protested while cupping both of his hands behind his back.

“Answer me!”

“It seems like he still needed to run a few tests, Mrs. Braginski.” The doctor stated and Viktor let out an inhuman scream.

“I need to see my brother, mama!” He flailed wildly. “I need to see Alexei!”

He felt something pierced the side of his neck and before he could distinguish what was happening, he was slowly fading consciousness.

“Thank goodness he calmed down.” He could hear his mother’s faint cry. “I couldn’t stand to see my only son hurt!”

His eyesight turned dim but before darkness consumed him, he was able to create a thought.

I am not your only son, mama.

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