An Exclusive Interview with Mr. D (None)

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May: Hello and welcome to our exclusive interview with the one and only-

Max and May: MR. D!! Also known as Dionysus, the Wine Dude, and to his close friends, Dio.

Mr. D: If you address me as the Wine Dude again, I will drive you insane!

May: Too late-

Max: -For that-

May and Max: -We already are!

Mr. D: . . .

May: So on to our first question!

Max: What's it like to work with Chiron, trainer of the greatest heroes, etc.?

Mr. D: Huh?

May: What's it like to work next to someone who has helped the world form basically?

Mr. D: . . .

Max: Next question!

May: Has Leo ever set you on fire?

Mr. D: . . . No! I'm a god, and if he ever dared to as so much-

May: Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Mr. D: How dare you interrupt-

Max: Next question!

May: What is your opinion of non-alcoholic grape juice?

Mr. D: Don't get me started on that infernal stuff! The creator deserves to be sent to Tartarus for a millennia! Why would they take something that is already perfect and de-perfectatize it?!

May: Right. If the world was about to be destroyed and you could only save 3 demigods, who would it be?

Mr. D: None

Max: Are you sure?

May: Not even your own son?

Max: The one you told Percy Jackson to protect?

Mr. D: Fine I would protect him.

May: And two others?

Max: What about Percy? Or Annabeth? Or Jason? Or Nico?

Mr. D: Why would I save any of them?

May: Idk. Next question!

Max: If gods can change their appearance at will-

May: -Why do you look like that?

Mr. D:

Mr. D: . . .

Mr. D: What are you children even doing here? Your not demigods!

May and Max: *looks at each other* -errrrrr

Mr. D: I thought we had a magical border to keep mortals like you out!

Max: errr

May: We'll be going now before you turn us into Dolphins

Max: Okay-

May and Max: BYE!

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