Hera's Perfect Family (Hera)

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Hera always made sure she would have the perfect family. She would anything just for that to be sure.

She had tried everything and criticized everyone so they COULD be the perfect family. One particular criticism was with Aphrodite.

"Oh honey, you are too beautiful. Please downgrade you attractiveness, my husband always drools when he looks at you." Hera gently had said to Aphrodite.

"Your words flatter me, but I will not downgrade my attractiveness!"

And with that Aphrodite huffed and moved along. Hera moved on to her son. "Hermes, you are always trying to flirt with Athena. Do you not understand her vows of maidenhood? Your mischief is destroying the image of our family!" She promptly said to her son.

"But mom, she is just too pretty. Why can't she just break her vows? Hermes suggested. "You know very well that is not allowed."

Hermes left the throne room and sobbed until he reached his room-err- temple. She moved on to Poseidon, her brother in law.

"You always fight with your brother! Can't you both at least stop the feud?" Poseidon pouted like a little child.

"I can't help it if I'm way better than him and so are my children." He said. Hera started to fill with rage.

"Listen here, you are gonna get along with your brother and you are gonna like it!"

Poseidon whimpered. "Yes ma'am." With satisfaction Hera moved ahead. She went to Athena.

"Athena stop sending owl to Hermes, you realize he won't stop flirting with you." Hera gently told her daughter.

She played good and muttered. "Yes mother." There were more criticism that went like this . . .

"Dionysus please stop being drunk! Ares stop strangling your siblings! Demeter stop trying to feed everyone cereal! Hephaestus come out from the corner!" But the worst was with Zeus.

"Honey, can you please stop having affairs with other mortals and immortals and try to keep it in your pants!" That had left him speechless.

Hera never got her perfect family because something had always gone wrong. The thing she didn't see was that she already had a perfect family.

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