The protest

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Before I start, I don't have any experience writing wattpad stories. So it's gonna be bad, I'm trying my best lmao. (Also I have not tried finding out his location) grammar mistakes? I don't really care. (Excuse me for my language) listen to the music if you want.

As I was walking towards the protest, many people were looking at this almost 7ft tall guy. I didn't pay much attention. As I held up my sign, and started yelling "No justice, no peace!" As I thought "Everyone was 'simping' for anonymous, the famous hacker. I can't lie, I was too. Who wouldn't? I've always tried finding out his location, but he's a hacker. He can tell if I find it out." Everyone was looking at the 7ft guy. He was tall, very tall. Yelling at the cops, flipping them off, calling them pussies. We later started chanting "We can't breathe"

Someone shouted "The cops are tear gassing people, cover your eyes!" I tried running but it still got in my eyes, I felt someone grabs my arm and pull me to the side. "Hello? I can't see anything!" The person pours something in my eyes, as I slowly open my eyes. I couldn't see anyone. It's like it was a ghost.

As I was walking home, I see the guy in full body armor. He seems to be scared of me? As I thought to myself "Its probably nothing.."  I got home and see the man behind me "Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me." His voice sounded like he had a raspy voice.
Him: "Oh I'm sorry.."
Me: "No no it's fine"
Him: "Not for scaring you, for this."  He takes out a napkin and puts it over my mouth till I fall over. He places me in his car, and drives off.

I soon wake up "Where the fuck are you taking me?"
Him: "No where you need to know.
Me: "if you're gonna kidnap me, why won't you tell me?"
Him: "I had a choice, kill you or kidnap. Now be quiet or I'll pick the first option."
Me: "Okay damn fine, what's your name at least?"
Him: "It's Noah, now shut up"
Me: "Why am I here?"
Noah: "Can't you ever stop talking?"
Me: I have a history of talking" I give a grin on my face as I was making fun of him "So do you ever take off that mask? Can you breathe in it?
Noah: yes, we still have faces you know he chuckles "And yes we can breathe."

We arrive at the destination. It was an apartment. The apartment looked dull and cheap. As he pulled me from the car I held my hands on the door
"Make me."
Noah: "You're light, I can easily pull you out.
He pulled me out.


Anonymous: the hacker that's on our sideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz