The plan to outside

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I forgot to say this takes place in Washington DC, also this chapter is going to be short. I'm trying to find some time to finish these. C: don't mind the errors. Also again I don't have experience writing, and this is how I like writing.

As I was walking towards the door and banging it as loud as I can do it get someone attention. I hear a girls voice replying back with hello .
Me: "Yooo! I'm in here. Can I use a Bobby pin?!"
She reached the door. She said her name was Gracie. She was also part of the masked gang. She holds up the keys shaking them around
Me: "Do you think you can let me out?"
Gracie: "Obviously girlie. Come on." She unlocks the door while handing me a disguise.
Me: "what, what is this?"
Gracie: "quick put it on, hurry!" I quickly put it on and the mask. She locks the door and we head to the main room.
Noah: "Hey Gracie. Where you heading too? Can I come?"
Gracie: "Sorry not today. Me and violet are trying to find more info on trump."
I whisper over to Gracie "I hear jack coming, we better get going."
She whispers back "Yes yes I know." "Uhm okay bye Noah. Love you"
We open the door and head outside. I thought to myself on why she did it, but The one thing that shocked me she said "I love you." Is he gonna cheat on her? Oh no.

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